
Code Coverage#

Code coverage is a metric used in software development to quantify the proportion of a codebase that is exercised by a set of tests. It measures the percentage of lines, branches, or statements within the code that have been executed during the execution of a test suite. The primary goal of code coverage analysis is to assess the thoroughness of testing and identify areas of code that remain untested. A higher code coverage percentage generally indicates that a greater portion of the codebase has been scrutinized, reducing the likelihood of undiscovered bugs.

For the latest statistics on code-coverage of VerticaPy please look at this link.


Not only does it provide a wholistic view of the VerticaPy library, but it also gives the contributors and in-depth understanding of which folders/functions are lacking behind the most.


In the details, we can see the total number of lines as well as the number of lines in each folder that have been covered in unit tests.

Additionally, for each python file we can look at the exact lines that are missing unit tests. This can guide contributors in understanding the gaps in testing.


In summary, developers use code coverage tools to gain insights into which parts of their code are well-tested and which may require additional test cases. It serves as a valuable quality assurance metric, guiding the improvement of test suites and ultimately contributing to the creation of more reliable and robust software systems.