

verticapy.machine_learning.metrics.classification_report(y_true: str | None = None, y_score: list | None = None, input_relation: str | vDataFrame | None = None, metrics: None | str | list[str] = None, labels: list | ndarray | None = None, cutoff: int | float | Decimal | None = None, nbins: int = 10000, estimator: VerticaModel | None = None) float | TableSample#

Computes a classification report using multiple metrics (AUC, accuracy, PRC AUC, F1…). In the case of multiclass classification, it considers each category as positive and switches to the next one during the computation.


y_true: str

Response column.

y_score: str


input_relation: SQLRelation

Relation to use for scoring. This relation can be a view, table, or a customized relation (if an alias is used at the end of the relation). For example: (SELECT … FROM …) x

metrics: list, optional

List of the metrics used to compute the final report.

  • accuracy:


    \[Accuracy = \frac{TP + TN}{TP + TN + FP + FN}\]
  • aic:

    Akaike’s Information Criterion

    \[AIC = 2k - 2\ln(\hat{L})\]
  • auc:

    Area Under the Curve (ROC).

    \[AUC = \int_{0}^{1} TPR(FPR) \, dFPR\]
  • ba:

    Balanced Accuracy.

    \[BA = \frac{TPR + TNR}{2}\]
  • best_cutoff:

    Cutoff which optimised the ROC Curve prediction.

  • bic:

    Bayesian Information Criterion

    \[BIC = -2\ln(\hat{L}) + k \ln(n)\]
  • bm:


    \[BM = TPR + TNR - 1\]
  • csi:

    Critical Success Index

    \[index = \frac{TP}{TP + FN + FP}\]
  • f1:

    F1 Score

    \[F_1 Score = 2 \times \frac{Precision \times Recall}{Precision + Recall}\]
  • fdr:

    False Discovery Rate

    \[FDR = 1 - PPV\]
  • fm:

    Fowlkes-Mallows index

    \[FM = \sqrt{PPV * TPR}\]
  • fnr:

    False Negative Rate

    \[FNR = \frac{FN}{FN + TP}\]
  • for:

    False Omission Rate

    \[FOR = 1 - NPV\]
  • fpr:

    False Positive Rate

    \[FPR = \frac{FP}{FP + TN}\]
  • logloss:

    Log Loss.

    \[Loss = -\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \left( y_i \log(p_i) + (1 - y_i) \log(1 - p_i) \right)\]
  • lr+:

    Positive Likelihood Ratio.

    \[LR+ = \frac{TPR}{FPR}\]
  • lr-:

    Negative Likelihood Ratio.

    \[LR- = \frac{FNR}{TNR}\]
  • dor:

    Diagnostic Odds Ratio.

    \[DOR = \frac{TP \times TN}{FP \times FN}\]
  • mc:

    Matthews Correlation Coefficient .. math:

    MCC = \frac{TP \times TN - FP \times FN}{\sqrt{(TP + FP)(TP + FN)(TN + FP)(TN + FN)}}
  • mk:


    \[MK = PPV + NPV - 1\]
  • npv:

    Negative Predictive Value

    \[NPV = \frac{TN}{TN + FN}\]
  • prc_auc:

    Area Under the Curve (PRC)

    \[AUC = \int_{0}^{1} Precision(Recall) \, dRecall\]
  • precision:


    \[Precision = TP / (TP + FP)\]
  • pt:

    Prevalence Threshold.

    \[threshold = \frac{\sqrt{FPR}}{\sqrt{TPR} + \sqrt{FPR}}\]
  • recall:


    \[Recall = \frac{TP}{TP + FN}\]
  • specificity:


    \[Specificity = \frac{TN}{TN + FP}\]
labels: ArrayLike, optional

List of the response column categories to use.

cutoff: PythonNumber, optional

Cutoff for which the tested category will be accepted as prediction.

nbins: int, optional

[Used to compute ROC AUC, PRC AUC and the best cutoff] An integer value that determines the number of decision boundaries. Decision boundaries are set at equally spaced intervals between 0 and 1, inclusive. Greater values for nbins give more precise estimations of the AUC, but can potentially decrease performance. The maximum value is 999,999. If negative, the maximum value is used.

estimator: object, optional

Estimator used to compute the classification report.





We should first import verticapy.

import verticapy as vp

Binary Classification#

Let’s create a small dataset that has:

  • true value

  • probability of the true value

  • predicted value

data = vp.vDataFrame(
        "y_true": [1, 1, 0, 0, 1],
        "y_prob": [0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0.6, 0.8],
        "y_pred": [1, 0, 0, 1, 1]

Next, we import the metric:

from verticapy.machine_learning.metrics import classification_report

Now we can conveniently calculate the score:

    y_true  = "y_true",
    y_score = ["y_prob", "y_pred"],
    input_relation = data,

None                            value  
auc                0.8333333333333335  
prc_auc            0.9027777777777779  
accuracy                          0.6  
log_loss            0.267297505916969  
precision          0.6666666666666666  
recall             0.6666666666666666  
f1_score           0.6666666666666666  
mcc               0.16666666666666666  
informedness      0.16666666666666652  
markedness        0.16666666666666652  
csi                               0.5  
Rows: 1-11 | Columns: 2


In binary classification, y_score should be a list of two column names: - Probability of true value - Prediction value

In the case of multi-class, y_score, is the list of two elements: - list of column names for class probabilities

for each class

  • Prediction value


For multi-class classification, we can select the average method for averaging from the following options: - binary - micro - macro - scores - weighted

It is also possible to directly compute the score from the vDataFrame:

    y_true  = "y_true",
    y_score = ["y_prob", "y_pred"],
    metric  = "classification_report",

None                            value  
auc                0.8333333333333335  
prc_auc            0.9027777777777779  
accuracy                          0.6  
log_loss            0.267297505916969  
precision          0.6666666666666666  
recall             0.6666666666666666  
f1_score           0.6666666666666666  
mcc               0.16666666666666666  
informedness      0.16666666666666652  
markedness        0.16666666666666652  
csi                               0.5  
Rows: 1-11 | Columns: 2


VerticaPy uses simple SQL queries to compute various metrics. You can use the set_option() function with the sql_on parameter to enable SQL generation and examine the generated queries.

Multi-class Classification#

Let’s create a small dataset that has:

  • true value with more than two classes

  • probability of each class

  • predicted value

data = vp.vDataFrame(
        "y_true": [1, 2, 0, 0, 1],
        "y_prob_0": [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1],
        "y_prob_1": [0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.2],
        "y_prob_2": [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.3, 0.7],
        "y_pred": [1, 2, 0, 1, 1],

Next, we import the metric:

from verticapy.machine_learning.metrics import classification_report

Now we can conveniently calculate the score:

    y_true  = "y_true",
    y_score =[["y_prob_0","y_prob_1","y_prob_1"], "y_pred"],
    labels = [0,1,2],
    input_relation = data,

None                               0                     1                     2   \\
auc                              0.5                   0.5                 0.625   \\
prc_auc                          0.7                0.6625    0.1666666666666665   \\
accuracy                         0.8                   0.8                   1.0   \\
log_loss           0.427454494336405     0.362721756860901     0.327503505049765   \\
precision                        1.0    0.6666666666666666                   1.0   \\
recall                           0.5                   1.0                   1.0   \\
f1_score          0.6666666666666666                   0.8                   1.0   \\
mcc               0.6123724356957946    0.6666666666666666                   1.0   \\
informedness                     0.5    0.6666666666666665                   1.0   \\
markedness                      0.75    0.6666666666666665                   1.0   \\
csi                              0.5    0.6666666666666666                   1.0   \\
None                        avg_macro          avg_weighted             avg_micro  
auc                0.5416666666666666                 0.525                  None  
prc_auc            0.5097222222222221    0.5783333333333333                  None  
accuracy           0.8666666666666667    0.8400000000000001    0.8666666666666667  
log_loss          0.37255991874902367    0.3815712014888754                  None  
precision          0.8888888888888888    0.8666666666666666                   0.8  
recall             0.8333333333333334                   0.8                   0.8  
f1_score           0.8222222222222223    0.7866666666666667    0.8000000000000002  
mcc                 0.759679700787487    0.7116156409449845                   0.7  
informedness       0.7222222222222222    0.6666666666666666    0.7000000000000002  
markedness         0.8055555555555555    0.7666666666666666    0.7000000000000002  
csi                0.7222222222222222    0.6666666666666666    0.6666666666666666  
Rows: 1-11 | Columns: 7

See also

vDataFrame.score() : Computes the input ML metric.