

verticapy.sql.isflextable(table_name: str, schema: str) bool#

Checks if the input relation is a flextable.


table_name: str

Name of the table to check.

schema: str

Table schema.



True if the relation is a flex table.


Create a JSON file:

import json

data = {
    "column1": {
        "subcolumn1A": "value1A",
        "subcolumn1B": "value1B",
    "column2": {
        "subcolumn2A": "value2A",
        "subcolumn2B": "value2B",

json_string = json.dumps(data, indent=4)

with open("nested_columns.json", "w") as json_file:

We import verticapy:

import verticapy as vp


By assigning an alias to verticapy, we mitigate the risk of code collisions with other libraries. This precaution is necessary because verticapy uses commonly known function names like “average” and “median”, which can potentially lead to naming conflicts. The use of an alias ensures that the functions from verticapy are used as intended without interfering with functions from other libraries.

We create a temporary schema:

Out[6]: False

We injest the JSON file:

vdf = vp.read_json(
    schema = "temp",
    table_name = "test",
    flatten_maps = False,

Then check if the table is a flex table:

from verticapy.sql import isflextable

isflextable(table_name = "test", schema = "temp")
Out[9]: False

We drop the temporary table.

Out[10]: True


Flex tables can be used to identify all the data types needed to ingest the file and can also be employed to flatten a nested JSON file. Explore all the flex functions to understand the possibilities.

See also

compute_flextable_keys() : : Computes the flex table keys.
compute_vmap_keys() : Computes the vmap most frequent keys.
isvmap() : Checks if the input column is a VMap.