

The VerticaPy project employs a robust Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to ensure the quality, consistency, and reliability of its codebase. Here’s an overview of the key stages in the pipeline:

  • Step 1: Code Formatting Check (black)

    The pipeline checks if the code adheres to consistent formatting standards using the black Python library. This ensures a uniform and readable codebase. For more info click here: Black.

  • Step 2: Code Quality Check (pylint)

    The pipeline utilizes the pylint Python library to assess the overall quality of the code. This step helps identify potential issues and enforces coding standards. For more info click here: Pylint.

  • Step 3: Unit Testing (pytest)

    Various Python environments are employed to execute unit tests using the pytest framework. This ensures that the proposed changes do not introduce regressions and maintains the stability of the code. For more info click here: Unit Tests.

  • Step 4: Code Coverage Analysis

    The pipeline calculates code coverage metrics to ensure that a substantial percentage of the codebase is covered by unit tests. This practice guarantees a comprehensive and effective test suite. For more info click here: Code Coverage.

  • Step 5: Automated Documentation Update (Sphinx)

    After successful PR merging, the pipeline automatically updates the project’s documentation using Sphinx. This ensures that the documentation remains synchronized with the latest changes, providing users with accurate and up-to-date information. For more info click here: Automated Documentation using Sphinx.

This CI/CD pipeline not only accelerates the development process but also upholds code quality standards, minimizes errors, and enhances the overall reliability of VerticaPy. By automating these essential checks and processes, the project maintains a high level of consistency and ensures that each contribution aligns with the established guidelines and best practices.