

Clustering.predict_sql(X: list | ndarray) str#

Returns the SQL code needed to deploy the model using its attributes.


X: ArrayLike

The names or values of the input predictors.



SQL code.


Import the required module.

from verticapy.machine_learning.memmodel.cluster import KMeans

We will use the following attributes:

clusters = [[0.5, 0.6], [1, 2], [100, 200]]

p = 2

Let’s create a model.

model_km = KMeans(clusters, p)

Let’s use the following column names:

cnames = ['col1', 'col2']

Get the SQL code needed to deploy the model.

Out[6]: 'CASE WHEN col1 IS NULL OR col2 IS NULL THEN NULL WHEN POWER(POWER(col1 - 100.0, 2) + POWER(col2 - 200.0, 2), 1 / 2) <= POWER(POWER(col1 - 0.5, 2) + POWER(col2 - 0.6, 2), 1 / 2) AND POWER(POWER(col1 - 100.0, 2) + POWER(col2 - 200.0, 2), 1 / 2) <= POWER(POWER(col1 - 1.0, 2) + POWER(col2 - 2.0, 2), 1 / 2) THEN 2 WHEN POWER(POWER(col1 - 1.0, 2) + POWER(col2 - 2.0, 2), 1 / 2) <= POWER(POWER(col1 - 0.5, 2) + POWER(col2 - 0.6, 2), 1 / 2) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END'


For this example, a specific model is utilized, and it may not correspond exactly to the model you are working with. To see a comprehensive example specific to your class of interest, please refer to that particular class.