

class verticapy.mlops.model_versioning.RegisteredModel(registered_name: str)#

Creates a RegisteredModel object to load and use a registered model. This class is intended to be used mostly by a user with an MLSUPERVISOR role. Nevertheless, an ordinary users can also use it to monitor the status of their registered models.


registered_name: str

This is a registered model name that represents all the versions of models registered with this name.

__init__(registered_name: str) None#



change_status(version, new_status)

Changes the status of a model.


Returns the list of the registered models with the same name that the user has USAGE privilege on.


Returns the model status-change history.

predict(vdf[, X, name, cutoff, inplace, version])

Makes predictions on the input relation.

predict_proba(vdf[, X, name, pos_label, ...])

Returns the model's probabilities using the input relation.