Min and Max Values for Spread Daemon Timeout

Posted May 24, 2019 by James Knicely, Vertica Field Chief Technologist

Spread Daemon Timeout
When you know your network or nodes may be unable to respond for a specific amount of time due to network delays or temporary pauses of a VM, you can increase the spread timeout period to longer than this time using the SET_SPREAD_OPTION function (available starting in Vertica 9.2.1-0).

You might be wondering what the minimum and maximum values are for the spread timeout. Although not reported in the documentation, we can easily figure out those values ourselves!

Example: dbadmin=> SELECT SET_SPREAD_OPTION( 'TokenTimeout', '-1'); ERROR 9000: Invalid value for option TokenTimeout. Timeout must be 0 (auto) or not less than 8000 msec dbadmin=> SELECT SET_SPREAD_OPTION( 'TokenTimeout', '1000000000'); ERROR 9010: Invalid value for option TokenTimeout. Timeout must not exceed 999000 msec So the minimum value for spread timeout is 8 seconds and the maximum value for spread timeout is 999 seconds.

Note that Vertica issues a warning when setting the spread timeout to a value greater than 1 minute! dbadmin=> SELECT SET_SPREAD_OPTION( 'TokenTimeout', '99900'); WARNING 9002: Setting the token timeout greater than 60000 msec may severely decrease cluster responsiveness to node shutdowns and failures NOTICE 9003: Spread has been notified about the change SET_SPREAD_OPTION -------------------------------------------------------- Spread option 'TokenTimeout' has been set to '99900'. (1 row) Helpful Links:

https://www.vertica.com/docs/latest/HTML/Content/Authoring/UsingVerticaOnAzure/AdjustingSpreadDaemonTimeouts.htm https://www.vertica.com/docs/latest/HTML/Content/Authoring/SQLReferenceManual/Functions/VerticaFunctions/SET_SPREAD_OPTION.htm

Have fun!

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Adjusting Spread Daemon Timeouts for Virtual Environments
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