Explore and watch Vertica use-case and integration demos. Learn Vertica best practices and techniques featured in these short demonstration videos.
Vertica Accelerator
Vertica Accelerator is Vertica-as-a-Service (SaaS), and it delivers great SQL analytics. However, it also offers so much more with high-performance advanced analytics and machine learning.
See how the deployment, administration, and management of Vertica running in your own AWS cloud account is streamlined in Vertica Accelerator. Keep your data in Vertica to perform machine learning, geospatial and time-series analytics.
Introduction to Vertica In-database Machine Learning
Get a firsthand look at Vertica in-database Machine Learning using a public IoT data set from the Irish Smart Meter project. The demonstration covers data exploration and visualization, data preparation, model building, model scoring, model evaluation, and model management. Learn how data scientists and analysts can leverage Vertica to embrace the power of Big Data and accelerate business outcomes with no limits and no compromises.
Building an IoT Predictive Maintenance Solution for Scale
See why more intelligent device manufacturers are turning to Vertica to manage and analyze large volumes of sensor and time-series data from the Internet of Things for predictive maintenance solutions. Watch this predictive maintenance demonstration to understand how equipment manufacturers use Vertica to accurately pinpoint maintenance issues before they occur, unlocking new value in the form of service cost reductions, reduced downtime, and more.
Ticket Tracking Analytics with Vertica and Tableau
Check out a sample ticket tracking application for a Support organization – powered by Tableau and Vertica.
Vertica Installation and Introduction
Installing and configuring Vertica for evaluation is easy and fast. See how to get started in just a few simple steps.
Vertica Partner QuickStart with Logi
Learn how you can create data-driven applications with intuitive visualizations for telecommunications use cases with Logi Analytics and Vertica.