Maximum Number of Rows per Load: Quick Tip

Jim Knicely authored this tip. I’m often asked if there is a maximum number of rows that Vertica can load using the bulk loader COPY command. The answer to that question is “yes”, but the number is really, really big (i.e. 2^63)! How big is that? Note that the number is actually 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 because that...

Setting the Max Memory Available by Query: Quick Tip

Jim Knicely authored this tip. Vertica 9.1.1 introduces the new Resource Pool parameter MAXQUERYMEMORYSIZE. Its value represents the maximum amount of memory the pool can allocate at runtime to process a query. If the query requires more memory than this setting, Vertica stops execution and returns an error. dbadmin=> CREATE RESOURCE POOL limited_by_query MAXQUERYMEMORYSIZE '1K';...