Hitachi Vantara


About Hitachi Vantara
Hitachi Vantara, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd., guides our customers from what’s now to what’s next by solving their digital challenges. Working alongside each customer, we apply our unmatched industrial and digital capabilities to their data and applications to benefit both business and society. More than 80% of the Fortune 100 trust Hitachi Vantara to help them develop new revenue streams, unlock competitive advantages, lower costs, enhance customer experiences, and deliver social and environmental value. Visit us at
Hitachi Content Platform for cloud scale (HCP for cloud scale) is a software-defined object storage solution that is based on a massively parallel microservice architecture and is compatible with the Amazon S3 application programming interface (API). HCP for cloud scale is especially well suited to service applications requiring high bandwidth and compatibility with Amazon S3 APIs.
The combination of Vertica Eon and Hitachi Content Platform for Cloud scale offers a powerful solution for data management. Vertica's fast and scalable analytical database technology, is combined with Hitachi's enterprise-grade content management platform to provide organizations with a comprehensive solution for storing, managing, and analyzing large amounts of data.

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