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Sep 13

Texas Scalability Summit

Friday, September 13, 2019

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About the Event

Come see the Vertica Session at the Texas Scalability Summit:

Kubernetes for Stateful MPP systems

Paige Roberts / Deepak Majeti – Vertica

Containers de-couple applications from the underlying infrastructure. With the advent of low-cost public infrastructure providers such as Amazon, Google, etc., many applications are now being modified to run inside containers to enable simpler and faster deployment on any platform. Containers with the aid of deployment tools such as Kubernetes also enable applications to scale quickly on clouds.
De-coupling distributed databases from the underlying infrastructure would provide many benefits. You could run analytics on any hardware at scale, for instance. K8 could also make recoverability on cloud deployments automatic, making applications far more resilient.
However, Kubernetes started out only supporting applications that could be decomposed into micro-services, which are independent and stateless.
Spikes in demand hit database users hard, and node failures can bog down whole clusters without proper recovery. GoodData, for example, saw that node failures on the cloud could affect their Vertica MPP database, which caused a reduction in customer satisfaction.
The Vertica R & D team set out to find a way to make failure handling seamless and node recovery automatic.
Kubernetes was the obvious choice, but K8 is traditionally used for micro-services, not something like a stateful MPP database that might need hundreds of containers. In order to merge the power of an MPP analytics database with the flexibility of Kubernetes, a lot of hurdles had to be overcome.
In this talk, you will learn the challenges with networking, storage, and operational complexity we encountered while extending a stateful distributed database system to work with containers and Kubernetes. We will also describe one implementation, Gooddata that overcomes these challenges, and serves as a practical example of how this can work.
This presentation will explore some of the mistakes we made, and lessons we learned along the way to save you from having to make the same mistakes when incorporating Kubernetes into your software architecture.


Friday, September 13, 2019


AT&T Hotel & Conference Center
1900 University Ave
Austin, TX 78705