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Apr 21

Unlock the Value in Data: Rise of Hybrid Cloud, Multi-Cloud Platforms

Thursday, April 21, 2022 11:00AM - 12:00PM America/New York

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About the Event

Being limited to analyzing data on-premises is a known problem. But analytics limited to cloud, or just a single cloud vendor, can also reduce the return on your data investment. To unlock the value of data, companies must embrace the reality of a hybrid world.

In this webcast, we’ll dive into solid Eckerson Group research on how companies across industries are getting their arms around data in multiple clouds and on-prem systems. ThinkData Works is an example of a successful technology company at the center of this important trend. We invite you to learn how ThinkData Works is helping customers pull in new sources and manage external data at scale to reduce risk, boost efficiency, and drive innovation.


Thursday, April 21, 2022 11:00AM - 12:00PM America/New York

