
Method Definition
vDataFrame[].cut Discretizes the vColumn using the input list.
vDataFrame[].decode Encodes the vColumn using a user-defined encoding.
vDataFrame[].discretize Discretizes the vColumn using the input method.
vDataFrame.get_dummies Encodes the vColumn using the One-Hot Encoding algorithm.
vDataFrame[].get_dummies Encodes the vColumn using the One-Hot Encoding algorithm.
vDataFrame[].label_encode Encodes the vColumn using a bijection from the different categories to [0, n - 1]
vDataFrame[].mean_encode Encode the vColumn using the average of the response partitioned by the different vcolumn categories.

Dealing with Missing Values

Method Definition
vDataFrame.dropna Filters the vDataFrame where the input vColumns are missing.
vDataFrame[].dropna Filters the vDataFrame where the vColumn is missing.
vDataFrame.fillna Fills the vColumns missing elements using specific rules.
vDataFrame[].fillna Fills the vColumn missing elements using specific rules.
vDataFrame.merge_similar_names Merges columns with similar names.

Normalization and Global Outliers

Method Definition
vDataFrame[].clip Clips the vColumn.
vDataFrame[].fill_outliers Fills the vColumns outliers using the input method.
vDataFrame.normalize Normalizes the input vColumns using the input method.
vDataFrame[].normalize Normalizes the input vColumns using the input method.
vDataFrame.outliers Adds a new vColumns labeled with 0 and 1. 1 means that the record is a global outlier.

Splitting into Train/Test

Method Definition
vDataFrame.train_test_split Creates 2 vDataFrame (train/test) which can be to use to evaluate a model.

Data Types Conversion

Method Definition
vDataFrame.astype Converts the vColumns to the input types.
vDataFrame[].astype Converts the vColumn to the input type.
vDataFrame.bool_to_int Converts all the booleans vColumns to integers.


Method Definition
vDataFrame[].rename Renames the vColumn.

Working with weights

Method Definition
vDataFrame.add_duplicates Duplicates the vDataFrame using the input weight.

Complete Disjunctive Table

Method Definition
vDataFrame.cdt Returns the complete disjunctive table of the vDataFrame.