Moving Windows

Method Definition
vDataFrame.cummax Adds a new vcolumn to the vDataFrame by computing the cumulative maximum of the input vcolumn.
vDataFrame.cummin Adds a new vcolumn to the vDataFrame by computing the cumulative minimum of the input vcolumn.
vDataFrame.cumprod Adds a new vcolumn to the vDataFrame by computing the cumulative product of the input vcolumn.
vDataFrame.cumsum Adds a new vcolumn to the vDataFrame by computing the cumulative sum of the input vcolumn.
vDataFrame.rolling Adds a new vcolumn to the vDataFrame by using an advanced analytical window function on one or two specific vcolumns.

Analytic Functions

Method Definition
vDataFrame.analytic Adds a new vcolumn to the vDataFrame by using an advanced analytical function on one or two specific vcolumns.
vDataFrame.interpolate Computes a regular time interval vDataFrame by interpolating the missing values using different techniques.
vDataFrame.sessionize Adds a new vcolumn to the vDataFrame which will correspond to sessions.

Customized Features Creation

Method Definition
vDataFrame.case_when Creates a new feature by evaluating the specified conditions.
vDataFrame.eval Evaluates a customized expression.

Features Transformations

Method Definition
vDataFrame.abs Applies the absolute value function to the input vcolumns.
vDataFrame[].abs Applies the absolute value function to the input vcolumn.
vDataFrame.apply Applies each function of the dictionary to the input vcolumns.
vDataFrame[].apply Applies a function to the vcolumn.
vDataFrame[].apply_fun Applies a default function to the vcolumn.
vDataFrame.applymap Applies a function to all the vcolumns.
vDataFrame[].date_part Extracts a specific TS field from the vcolumn.
vDataFrame[].round Rounds the vcolumn by keeping only the input number of digits after comma.
vDataFrame[].slice Slices the vcolumn using a TS rule. The vcolumn will be transformed.

Working with Text

Method Definition
vDataFrame.regexp Computes a new vcolumn based on regular expressions.
vDataFrame[].str_contains Verifies if the regular expression is in each of the vcolumn records. The vcolumn will be transformed.
vDataFrame[].str_count Computes the regular expression count match in each record of the vcolumn. The vcolumn will be transformed.
vDataFrame[].str_extract Extracts the regular expression in each record of the vcolumn. The vcolumn will be transformed.
vDataFrame[].str_replace Replaces the regular expression matches in each of the vcolumn record by an input value. The vcolumn will be transformed.
vDataFrame[].str_slice Slices the vcolumn. The vcolumn will be transformed.

Binary Operator Functions

Method Definition
vDataFrame[].add Adds the input element to the vcolumn.
vDataFrame[].div Divides the vcolumn by the input element.
vDataFrame[].mul Multiplies the vcolumn by the input element.
vDataFrame[].sub Substracts the input element to the vcolumn.


Method Definition
vDataFrame[].add_copy Adds a copy vcolumn to the parent vDataFrame.
vDataFrame.copy Returns a copy of the vDataFrame.