Analyzes encoding in the specified projections, creates a script to implement encoding recommendations, and optionally deploys the recommendations.
Behavior Type
DESIGNER_DESIGN_PROJECTION_ENCODINGS ( '[ proj‑spec[,... ] ]', '[destination]' [, 'deploy'] [, 'reanalyze-encodings'] )
One or more comma-delimited projections to add to the design. Each projection can be specified in one of the following ways:
If set to an empty string, Vertica analyzes all projections in the database to which the user has access. For example, the following statement specifies to analyze all projections in schema => SELECT DESIGNER_DESIGN_PROJECTION_ENCODINGS ('mydb.private.*','encodings.sql'); |
destination |
Specifies where to send output, one of the following:
deploy |
Boolean that specifies whether to deploy encoding changes. Default: false |
reanalyze‑encodings |
Boolean that specifies whether
Default: false |
Superuser, or DBDUSER with the following privileges:
- OWNER of all projections to analyze
- USAGE privilege on the schema for the specified projections
The following example requests that Database Designer analyze encodings of the table online_sales.call_center_dimension
- The second parameter destination is set to an empty string, so the script is sent to standard output (shown truncated below).
- The last two parameters deploy and reanalyze‑encodings are omitted, so Database Designer does not execute the script or reanalyze existing encodings:
=> SELECT DESIGNER_DESIGN_PROJECTION_ENCODINGS ('online_sales.call_center_dimension',''); DESIGNER_DESIGN_PROJECTION_ENCODINGS ---------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE PROJECTION call_center_dimension_DBD_1_seg_EncodingDesign /*+createtype(D)*/ ( call_center_key ENCODING COMMONDELTA_COMP, cc_closed_date, cc_open_date, cc_name ENCODING ZSTD_HIGH_COMP, cc_class ENCODING ZSTD_HIGH_COMP, cc_employees, cc_hours ENCODING ZSTD_HIGH_COMP, cc_manager ENCODING ZSTD_HIGH_COMP, cc_address ENCODING ZSTD_HIGH_COMP, cc_city ENCODING ZSTD_COMP, cc_state ENCODING ZSTD_FAST_COMP, cc_region ENCODING ZSTD_HIGH_COMP ) AS SELECT call_center_dimension.call_center_key, call_center_dimension.cc_closed_date, call_center_dimension.cc_open_date, call_center_dimension.cc_name, call_center_dimension.cc_class, call_center_dimension.cc_employees, call_center_dimension.cc_hours, call_center_dimension.cc_manager, call_center_dimension.cc_address, call_center_dimension.cc_city, call_center_dimension.cc_state, call_center_dimension.cc_region FROM online_sales.call_center_dimension ORDER BY call_center_dimension.call_center_key SEGMENTED BY hash(call_center_dimension.call_center_key) ALL NODES KSAFE 1; select refresh('online_sales.call_center_dimension'); select make_ahm_now(); DROP PROJECTION online_sales.call_center_dimension CASCADE; ALTER PROJECTION online_sales.call_center_dimension_DBD_1_seg_EncodingDesign RENAME TO call_center_dimension; (1 row)