WITH Clause Recursion

A WITH clause that includes the RECURSIVE option iterates over its own output through repeated execution of a UNION or UNION ALL query. Recursive queries are useful when working with self-referential data—hierarchies such as manager-subordinate relationships, or tree-structured data such as taxonomies.

The configuration parameter WithClauseRecursionLimit—by default set to 8—sets the maximum depth of recursion. You can set this parameter at database and session scopes with ALTER DATABASE and ALTER SESSION, respectively. Recursion continues until it reaches the configured maximum depth, or until the last iteration returns with no data.

You specify a recursive WITH clause as follows:

   cte‑identifier [ ( column-aliases ) ] AS (  
     UNION [ ALL ] 

Non-recursive and recursive terms are separated by UNION or UNION ALL:

  • The non-recursive-term query sets its result set in cte-identifier, which is subject to recursion in recursive-term.
  • The UNION statement's recursive-term recursively iterates over its own output. When recursion is complete, the results of all iterations are compiled and set in cte-identifier.

For example:

=> ALTER SESSION SET PARAMETER WithClauseRecursionLimit=4; -- maximum recursion depth = 4
=> WITH RECURSIVE nums (n) AS (
   SELECT 1 -- non-recursive (base) term
     SELECT n+1 FROM nums -- recursive term
SELECT n FROM nums; -- primary query

This simple query executes as follows:

  1. Executes the WITH RECURSIVE clause:

    • Evaluates the non-recursive term SELECT 1, and places the result set—1—in nums.
    • Iterates over the UNION ALL query (SELECT n+1) until the number of iterations is greater than the configuration parameter WithClauseRecursionLimit.
    • Combines the results of all UNION queries and sets the result set in nums, and then exits to the primary query.
  2. Executes the primary query SELECT n FROM nums:

    (5 rows)

In this case , WITH RECURSIVE clause exits after four iterations as per WithClauseRecursionLimit. If you restore WithClauseRecursionLimit to its default value of 8, then the clause exits after eight iterations:

=> WITH RECURSIVE nums (n) AS (
     SELECT n+1 FROM nums
(9 rows)

Be careful to set WithClauseRecursionLimit only as high as needed to traverse the deepest hierarchies. Vertica sets no limit on this parameter; however, a high value can incur considerable overhead that adversely affects performance and exhausts system resources.

If a high recursion count is required, then consider enabling materialization. For details, see WITH RECURSIVE Materialization.


The following restrictions apply:

  • The SELECT list of a non-recursive term cannot include the wildcard * (asterisk) or the function MATCH_COLUMNS.
  • A recursive term can reference the target CTE only once.
  • Recursive reference cannot appear within an outer join.
  • Recursive reference cannot appear within a subquery.
  • WITH clauses do not support UNION options ORDER BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET.


A small software company maintains the following data on employees and their managers:

=> SELECT * FROM personnel.employees ORDER BY emp_id;
 emp_id |   fname   |   lname   | section_id |    section_name     |  section_leader  | leader_id
      0 | Stephen   | Mulligan  |          0 |                     |                  |
      1 | Michael   | North     |        201 | Development         | Zoe Black        |         3
      2 | Megan     | Berry     |        202 | QA                  | Richard Chan     |        18
      3 | Zoe       | Black     |        101 | Product Development | Renuka Patil     |        24
      4 | Tim       | James     |        203 | IT                  | Ebuka Udechukwu  |        17
      5 | Bella     | Tucker    |        201 | Development         | Zoe Black        |         3
      6 | Alexandra | Climo     |        202 | QA                  | Richard Chan     |        18
      7 | Leonard   | Gray      |        203 | IT                  | Ebuka Udechukwu  |        17
      8 | Carolyn   | Henderson |        201 | Development         | Zoe Black        |         3
      9 | Ryan      | Henderson |        201 | Development         | Zoe Black        |         3
     10 | Frank     | Tucker    |        205 | Sales               | Benjamin Glover  |        29
     11 | Nathan    | Ferguson  |        102 | Sales Marketing     | Eric Redfield    |        28
     12 | Kevin     | Rampling  |        101 | Product Development | Renuka Patil     |        24
     13 | Tuy Kim   | Duong     |        201 | Development         | Zoe Black        |         3
     14 | Dwipendra | Sing      |        204 | Tech Support        | Sarah Feldman    |        26
     15 | Dylan     | Wijman    |        206 | Documentation       | Kevin Rampling   |        12
     16 | Tamar     | Sasson    |        207 | Marketing           | Nathan Ferguson  |        11
     17 | Ebuka     | Udechukwu |        101 | Product Development | Renuka Patil     |        24
     18 | Richard   | Chan      |        101 | Product Development | Renuka Patil     |        24
     19 | Maria     | del Rio   |        201 | Development         | Zoe Black        |         3
     20 | Hua       | Song      |        204 | Tech Support        | Sarah Feldman    |        26
     21 | Carmen    | Lopez     |        204 | Tech Support        | Sarah Feldman    |        26
     22 | Edgar     | Mejia     |        206 | Documentation       | Kevin Rampling   |        12
     23 | Riad      | Salim     |        201 | Development         | Zoe Black        |         3
     24 | Renuka    | Patil     |        100 | Executive Office    | Stephen Mulligan |         0
     25 | Rina      | Dsouza    |        202 | QA                  | Richard Chan     |        18
     26 | Sarah     | Feldman   |        101 | Product Development | Renuka Patil     |        24
     27 | Max       | Mills     |        102 | Sales Marketing     | Eric Redfield    |        28
     28 | Eric      | Redfield  |        100 | Executive Office    | Stephen Mulligan |         0
     29 | Benjamin  | Glover    |        102 | Sales Marketing     | Eric Redfield    |        28
     30 | Dominic   | King      |        205 | Sales               | Benjamin Glover  |        29
     32 | Ryan      | Metcalfe  |        206 | Documentation       | Kevin Rampling   |        12
     33 | Piers     | Paige     |        201 | Development         | Zoe Black        |         3
     34 | Nicola    | Kelly     |        207 | Marketing           | Nathan Ferguson  |        11
(34 rows)

You can query this data for employee-manager relationships through WITH RECURSIVE. For example, the following query's WITH RECURSIVE clause gets employee-manager relationships for employee Eric Redfield, including all employees who report directly and indirectly to him:

WITH RECURSIVE managers (employeeID, employeeName, sectionID, section, lead, leadID)
 AS (SELECT emp_id, fname||' '||lname, section_id, section_name, section_leader, leader_id 
      FROM personnel.employees WHERE fname||' '||lname = 'Eric Redfield'
    SELECT emp_id, fname||' '||lname AS employee_name, section_id, section_name, section_leader, leader_id FROM personnel.employees e
      JOIN managers m ON m.employeeID = e.leader_id)
 SELECT employeeID, employeeName, lead AS 'Reports to', section, leadID from managers ORDER BY sectionID, employeeName;

The WITH RECURSIVE clause defines the CTE managers, and then executes in two phases:

  1. The non-recursive term populates managers with data that it queries from personnel.employees.
  2. The recursive term's UNION query iterates over its own output until, on the fourth cycle, it finds no more data. The results of all iterations are then compiled and set in managers, and the WITH CLAUSE exits to the primary query.

The primary query returns three levels of data from managers—one for each recursive iteration:

Similarly, the following query iterates over the same data to get all employee-manager relationships for employee Richard Chan, who is one level lower in the company chain of command:

WITH RECURSIVE managers (employeeID, employeeName, sectionID, section, lead, leadID)
 AS (SELECT emp_id, fname||' '||lname, section_id, section_name, section_leader, leader_id 
      FROM personnel.employees WHERE fname||' '||lname = 'Richard Chan'
    SELECT emp_id, fname||' '||lname AS employee_name, section_id, section_name, section_leader, leader_id FROM personnel.employees e
      JOIN managers m ON m.employeeID = e.leader_id)
 SELECT employeeID, employeeName, lead AS 'Reports to', section, leadID from managers ORDER BY sectionID, employeeName;

The WITH RECURSIVE clause executes as before, except this time it finds no more data after two iterations and exits. Accordingly, the primary query returns two levels of data from managers:

WITH RECURSIVE Materialization

By default, materialization is disabled. In this case, Vertica rewrites the WITH RECURSIVE query into subqueries, as many as necessary for the required level of recursion.

If recursion is very deep, the high number of query rewrites is liable to incur considerable overhead that adversely affects performance and exhausts system resources. In this case, consider enabling materialization, either with the configuration parameter WithClauseMaterialization, or the hint ENABLE_WITH_CLAUSE_MATERIALIZATION. In either case, intermediate result sets from all recursion levels are written to local temporary tables. When recursion is complete, the intermediate results in all temporary tables are compiled and passed on to the primary query.

If materialization is not possible, you can improve throughput on a resource pool that handles recursive queries by setting its EXECUTIONPARALLELISM parameter to 1.