Configuring Backups to and from HDFS

Eon Mode only

To back up an Eon Mode database that uses HDFS on-premises storage, the communal storage and backup location must use the same HDFS credentials and domain. All vbr operations are supported, except copycluster.

Vertica supports Kerberos authentication, High Availability Name Node, and TLS (wire encryption) for vbr operations.

Creating a Cloud Storage Configuration File

To back up Eon Mode on-premises with communal storage on HDFS, you must provide a backup configuration file. In the [CloudStorage] section, provide the cloud_storage_backup_path and cloud_storage_backup_file_system_path values.

If you use Kerberos authentication or High Availability NameNode with your Hadoop cluster, the vbr utility requires access to the same values set in the bootstrapping file that you created during the database install. Include these values in the [Misc] section of the backup file.

The following table maps the vbr configuration option to its associated bootstrap file parameter:

vbr Configuration Option Bootstrap File Parameter
kerberos_service_name KerberosServiceName
kerberos_realm KerberosRealm
kerberos_keytab_file KerberosKeytabFile



For example, if KerberosServiceName is set to principal-name in the bootstrap file, set kerberos_service_name to principal-name in the [Misc] section of your configuration file.

Encryption Between Communal Storage and Backup Locations

Vertica supports vbr operations using wire encryption between your communal storage and backup locations. Use the cloud_storage_encrypt_transport parameter in the [CloudStorage] section of your backup configuration file to configure encryption.

To enable encryption:

  • Set cloud_storage_encrypt_transport to true.
  • Use the swebhdfs:// protocol for cloud_storage_backup_path.

If you do not use encryption:

  • Set cloud_storage_encrypt_transport to false.
  • Use the webhdfs:// protocol for cloud_storage_backup_path.

Vertica does not support at-rest encryption for Hadoop storage.