Vertica Server and Vertica Management Console

Supported Operating Systems and Operating System Versions

OpenText supports the Vertica Analytic Database 9.2.x running on the following 64-bit operating systems and versions on x86_x64 architecture.

In general, Micro Focus provides support for the Vertica Analytic Database, not its host operating system, hardware, or other environmental elements. However, Micro Focus makes an effort to ensure the success of its customers on recent versions of the following popular operating systems for the x86_64 architecture.

When there are multiple minor versions supported for a major operating system release, OpenText recommends that you run Vertica on the latest minor version listed in the supported versions list. For example, if you run Vertica on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x release, OpenText recommends you upgrade to or be running the latest supported RHEL 7.x release.

Platform Processor Supported Versions Important Notes

Red Hat Enterprise Linux


6.x: all

7.x: all

You cannot perform an in-place upgrade of your current Vertica Analytic Database from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6–6.9 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0/7.3/7.4/7.5/7.6. For information on how to upgrade to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, see Upgrading Your Operating System on Nodes in Your Vertica Cluster. For information on changes to the operating system for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 documentation.



6.x: all

7.x: all

You cannot perform an in-place upgrade of your current Vertica Analytic Database from CentOS 6.6–6.9 to CentOS 7.0/7.3/7.4/7.5/7.6. For information on how to upgrade to CentOS 7.0/7.3/7.4/7.5/7.6, see Upgrading Your Operating System on Nodes in Your Vertica Cluster.

Vertica support for CentOS is based on testing done on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Vertica continues to support CentOS, but testing and troubleshooting will be performed with the associated RedHat version.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server x86_64

12.x: all

You must turn off the Hardware Lock Elision functionality to successfully create a database. See How to disable Hardware Lock Elision in the SUSE support knowledge base for instructions on how to turn off Hardware Lock Elision.

openSUSE x86_64 42.3  
Amazon Linux x86_64 2.0 on Amazon Machine Instances (AMIs)  
Oracle Enterprise Linux (Red Hat compatible kernels only) x86_64

6.x: all

7.x: all

Debian Linux x86_64 8.5, 8.9  
Ubuntu x86_64

14.04 LTS

16.04 LTS

18.04 LTS


Recommended Storage Format Types

Choose the storage format type based on deployment requirements. Vertica recommends the following storage format types where applicable:

  • ext3
  • ext4
  • NFS for backup
  • Amazon S3 Standard for communal storage and related backup tasks when running in Eon Mode

For the Vertica I/O profile, the ext4 file system is considerably faster than ext3.

The storage format type at your backup and temporary directory locations must support fcntl lockf (POSIX) file locking.

You can view the file systems in use on your nodes by querying the system table STORAGE_USAGE.

Vertica users have successfully deployed other file systems, Vertica cannot guarantee or desired outcomes on all storage format types. In certain support situations, you may be asked to migrate to a recommended storage format type to help with troubleshooting or to fix an issue.

Vertica Analytic Database supports Linux Volume Manager (LVM) on all supported operating systems. Your LVM version must be 2.02.66 or later, and must include device-mapper version 1.02.48 or later. For information on requirements and restrictions, see the section, Vertica Support for LVM.

Supported Browsers for Vertica Management Console

Vertica Analytic Database 9.2.x Management Console is supported on the following web browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 11

  • Firefox

  • Chrome

Vertica Server and Management Console Compatibility

Management Console (MC) 9.2.x is compatible with the latest hotfix versions of Vertica server 7.2.3 and above.