IT Role (db)
IT can view most details about an MC-managed database, such as messages (and mark them read/unread), the database overall health and activity/resources, cluster and node state, and MC settings. You grant and manage user role assignments through the MC Settings > User management page on the MC.
About the IT (MC configuration) Role
There is also an IT role at the MC configuration access level. The two IT roles are similar, but they are not the same. If you grant an MC user both IT roles, it means the user can perform some configuration on MC and also has access to one or more MC-managed databases. The following table summarizes the primary difference between them, but see IT Role (mc) for additional details.
MC database IT | MC configuration IT |
Monitor databases on which the user has privileges, view the database overview and activity pages, monitor the node state view messages and mark them read/unread, view database settings. |
Monitor MC-managed database, view non-database messages, and manage user access. |