Upgrading MC Automatically on AWS

If you have automatically installed Management Console (MC) version 9.1.1 or above on AWS resources, you can automatically upgrade it from the MC interface using the Upgrade wizard.

This process provisions a new Management Console instance and copies any current MC configuration data to the new MC. All MC settings, users, and monitored clusters will be transferred.

After upgrading, you can terminate the previous Management Console instance.

In addition, when you revive an Eon Mode database through the upgraded Management Console, that database will also be automatically upgraded to the same Vertica version as MC.

Upgrade MC Automatically

Automatic upgrade is only available if the existing MC has been installed automatically through the AWS Marketplace.

  1. From the MC home page, select MC Settings.
  2. From the menu on the left side of the page, select Upgrade MC. The Upgrade MC page displays current Management Console information and indicates whether you are using the latest version of MC, or if a newer version is available.
  3. Click Start MC Upgrade at the bottom of the page (this button is only displayed if a newer version of MC is available). The Upgrade wizard appears.
  4. Go through the wizard and enter the following information when prompted:
    • AWS access key ID and AWS secret key (only required if existing MC was not installed using an IAM role)
    • AWS key pair
    • MC version to upgrade to
    • EC2 instance type for new MC host
    • EC2 instance tags (optional)
  5. When upgrade is successful, the wizard displays the URL for the upgraded Management Console. Save this URL; this how to access your new MC. It is important to save this URL for future use; after you terminate your previous MC, the new MC URL will not be available elsewhere. (The MC URL referenced from the original stack when you created MC will continue to reference the previous MC, not the new MC.)
  6. Follow the URL and log into your new MC.
  7. To terminate the previous version of MC: 
    1. If necessary, disable termination protection for the previous MC instance. You can do so from the AWS console. See the AWS guide for enabling and disabling instance termination protection.
    2. From the AWS console, terminate the instance on which the previous MC resides. See the AWS guide for how to terminate instances.

    Do not delete other associated resources for the previous MC. Some of these resources may still be in use by the new MC, or by any clusters that were created using the previous MC.

Next Steps

If you plan to upgrade an Eon Mode database from Vertica version 9.1.0 or above to a later version, you can do so automatically by reviving it through a newer version of Management Console. As MC revives the database, it will also upgrade the Eon Mode database to the same Vertica version as the upgraded MC. See Reviving an Eon Mode Database in MC.