Eon Mode on Azure Prerequisites

Before you can create an Eon Mode database on Azure, you must have a database cluster and an Azure blob storage container to store your database's data.

Cluster Requirements

Before you can create an Eon Mode database on Azure, you must provision a cluster to host it. See Configuring Your Vertica Cluster for Eon Mode for suggestions on choosing VM configurations and the number of nodes your cluster should start with.

Storage Requirements

An Eon Mode database on Azure stores its data communally in Azure blob storage. Vertica only supports block blob storage for communal data storage, not append or page blob storage.

You must create a storage path for Vertica to use exclusively. This path can be a blob container or a folder within a blob container. This path must not contain any files. If you attempt to create an Eon Mode database with a container or folder that contains files, admintools returns an error.

You pass Vertica a URI for the storage path using the azb:// schema. See Azure Blob Storage Object Store for the format of this URI.

You must also configure the storage container so Vertica is authorized to access it. Depending on authentication method you use, you may need to supply Vertica the with credentials to access the container. Vertica can use one of following methods to authenticate with the blob storage container:

  • Using Azure managed identities. This authentication method is transparent—you do not need to add any authentication configuration information to Vertica. Vertica automatically uses the managed identity bound to the VMs it runs on to authenticate with the blob storage container. See the Azure AD-managed identities for Azure resources documentation page in the Azure documentation for more information.

    If you provide credentials for either of the other two supported authentication methods, Vertica uses them instead of authenticating using a managed identity bound to your VM.

    If your Azure VMs have more than one managed identity bound to them, you must tell Vertica which identity to use when authenticating with the blob storage container. Vertica gets the identity to use from a tag set on the VMs that it is running on.

    On your VMs, create a tag with its key named VerticaManagedIdentityClientId and its value to the name of a managed identity bound to your VMs. See the Use tags to organize your Azure resources and management hierarchy page in the Azure documentation for more information.

  • Using an account name and access key credentials for a service account that has full access to the blob storage container. In this case, you provide Vertica with the credentials when you create the Eon Mode database. See Creating an Authentication File for details.

  • Using a shared access signature (SAS) that grants Vertica access to the storage container. See Grant limited access to Azure Storage resources using shared access signatures (SAS) in the Azure documentation. See Creating an Authentication File for details.

For details on how Vertica accesses Azure blob storage, see Azure Blob Storage Object Store