Access Management Console
You use MC to deploy Vertica cluster instances and create a database. You can also use MC to manage and monitor your databases. You will use Management Console to provision a Vertica cluster and database on the AWS resources you just launched.
- On the AWS CloudFormation Stacks page, select your new stack and view the Outputs tab. This tab provides information about accessing your environment, as well as documentation and licensing resources.
- Click the Access Management Console URL. This link takes you to the MC login page.
To log in, enter the MC username and password that you created using the CloudFormation Console.
After login, MC displays the home page, with options to provision a new cluster or database or import existing ones. If you chose a CFT that also creates a database, your new database is also displayed on the home page.
This page also provides a Resources section with links to online training, blogs, community, and help resources.
You have successfully launched Management Console on AWS resources.
If you have not yet provisioned a Vertica cluster and database, complete the steps in one of the following: