ROLLUP Aggregate

Automatically performs subtotal aggregations as an extension to the GROUP BY clause. ROLLUP performs these aggregations across multiple dimensions, at different levels, within a single SQL query.

You can use the ROLLUP clause with three grouping functions:


ROLLUP grouping-expression[,...]



One or both of the following:

  • An expression that is not an aggregate or a grouping function that includes constants and column references in FROM-specified tables. For example:

    column1, (column2+1), column3+column4

  • A multilevel expression, one of the following:
    • ROLLUP
    • CUBE


GROUP BY ROLLUP does not sort results. To sort data, an ORDER BY clause must follow the GROUP BY clause.

Levels of Aggregation

If n is the number of grouping columns, ROLLUP creates n+1 levels of subtotals and grand total. Because ROLLUP removes the right-most column at each step, specify column order carefully.

Suppose that ROLLUP(A, B, C) creates four groups:

  • (A, B, C)
  • (A, B)
  • (A)
  • ()

Because ROLLUP removes the right-most column at each step, there are no groups for (A, C) and (B, C).

If you enclose two or more columns in parentheses, GROUP BY treats them as a single entity. For example:

  • ROLLUP(A, B, C) creates four groups:
    (A, B, C)
    (A, B)
  • ROLLUP((A, B), C) treats (A, B) as a single entity and creates three groups:
    (A, B, C)
    (A, B)

Example: Aggregating the Full Data Set

The following example shows how to use the GROUP BY clause to determine family expenses for electricity and books over several years. The SUM aggregate function computes the total amount of money spent in each category per year.

Suppose you have a table that contains information about family expenses for books and electricity:

=> SELECT * FROM expenses ORDER BY Category, Year;
 Year |  Category   | Amount
2005  | Books       |  39.98
2007  | Books       |  29.99
2008  | Books       |  29.99
2005  | Electricity | 109.99
2006  | Electricity | 109.99
2007  | Electricity | 229.98

For the expenses table, ROLLUP computes the subtotals in each category between 2005–2007:

  • Books: $99.96
  • Electricity: $449.96
  • Grand total: $549.92.

Use the ORDER BY clause to sort the results:

=> SELECT Category, Year, SUM(Amount) FROM expenses 
   GROUP BY ROLLUP(Category, Year) ORDER BY 1,2, GROUPING_ID();  
 Category    | Year |  SUM
 Books       | 2005 |  39.98 
 Books       | 2007 |  29.99
 Books       | 2008 |  29.99
 Books       |      |  99.96
 Electricity | 2005 | 109.99
 Electricity | 2006 | 109.99
 Electricity | 2007 | 229.98
 Electricity |      | 449.96
             |      | 549.92

Example: Using ROLLUP with the HAVING Clause

This example shows how to use the HAVING clause with ROLLUP to restrict the GROUP BY results. The following query produces only those ROLLUP categories where year is subtotaled, based on the expression in the GROUPING function:

=> SELECT Category, Year, SUM(Amount) FROM expenses 
 Category    | Year |  SUM
 Books       |      |  99.96
 Electricity |      | 449.96
             |      | 549.92

The next example rolls up on (Category, Year), but not on the full results. The GROUPING_ID function specifies to aggregate less than three levels:

=> SELECT Category, Year, SUM(Amount) FROM expenses
   GROUP BY ROLLUP(Category,Year) HAVING GROUPING_ID(Category,Year)<3
 Category    | Year |  SUM
 Books       | 2005 |  39.98
 Books       | 2007 |  29.99
 Books       | 2008 |  29.99
 Books       |      |  99.96
 Electricity | 2005 | 109.99
 Electricity | 2006 | 109.99
 Electricity | 2007 | 229.98
 Electricity |      | 449.96

See Also