Eon Mode only

Pins a projection to a subcluster depot, or all database depots, to reduce its exposure to depot eviction. For details on pinning policies and usage guidelines, see Pinning Depot Objects.


SET_DEPOT_PIN_POLICY_PROJECTION ( '[[database.]schema.]projection' [, 'subcluster' ] [, download ] )



Database and schema. The default schema is public. If you specify a database, it must be the current database.


Projection to pin.

After you pin a table to a subcluster, you cannot subsequently pin any of its projections to that subcluster. Conversely, you can pin one or more projections of a table to a subcluster, and then pin the table to that subcluster.

subcluster Sets this pinning policy on the subcluster depot. To set this policy on the default subcluster, specify default_subcluster. If you omit this parameter, the policy is set on all database depots.

Boolean, if set to true SET_DEPOT_PIN_POLICY_PROJECTION immediately queues the specified projection for download from communal storage.

Default: false



See Also