Helm Chart Parameters

The following table describes the available settings for the VerticaDB operator and admission controller Helm chart.

Parameter Description

The name of the image that runs the operator.

Default: vertica/verticadb-operator:version

webhook.caBundle A PEM-encoded certificate authority (CA) bundle that validates the webhook's server certificate. If this is not set, the webhook uses the system trust roots on the apiserver.

Secret that contains the following keys for the webhook.caBundle:

  • tls.key
  • ca.crt
  • tls.crt

resources.limits and resources.requests

The resource requirements for the operator pod.

resources.limits is the maximum amount of CPU and memory that an operator pod can consume from its host node.

resources.requests is the maximum amount of CPU and memory that an operator pod can request from its host node.


    cpu: 100m
    memory: 750Mi
    cpu: 100m
    memory: 20Mi

Custom Helm Chart Example

When you install the VerticaDB operator and admission controller Helm chart, you can pass parameters that customize the Helm chart. Use the --set option to pass individual settings, and use the -f option to pass a YAML-formatted file that contains multiple values.

The following example installs the Helm chart with custom certificates for the admission controller.

  1. Create a Secret that stores the TLS key, TLS certificate, and CA certificate:

    $ kubectl create secret generic tls-secret --from-file=tls.key=/path/to/tls.key --from-file=tls.crt=/path/to/tls.crt --from-file=ca.crt=/path/to/ca.crt
  2. Install the VerticaDB operator Helm chart. Use --set commands to pass a PEM-encoded CA bundle and the tls-secret:

    $ helm install vdb-op vertica-charts/verticadb-operator \
    	--set webhook.caBundle=$(cat /path/to/root.pem | base64 --wrap 0) \ 
    	--set webhook.tlsSecret=tls-secret

For detailed instructions about installing the Helm chart with custom certificates, see Installing the VerticaDB Operator.