Getting Directed Queries

You can obtain catalog information about directed queries in two ways:


GET DIRECTED QUERY queries the system table DIRECTED_QUERIES on the specified input query. It returns details of all directed queries that map to the input query.

The following GET DIRECTED QUERY statement returns the directed query that maps to the following input query, findEmployeesCityJobTitle_OPT:

=> GET DIRECTED QUERY SELECT employee_first_name, employee_last_name from employee_dimension where employee_city='Boston' AND job_title='Cashier' order by employee_last_name, employee_first_name;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+
query_name      | findEmployeesCityJobTitle_OPT
is_active       | t
vertica_version | Vertica Analytic Database v11.0.1-20210815
comment         | Optimizer-generated directed query
creation_date   | 2021-08-20 14:53:42.323963
annotated_query | SELECT /*+verbatim*/  employee_dimension.employee_first_name, employee_dimension.employee_last_name FROM public.employee_dimension employee_dimension/*+projs('public.employee_dimension')*/ WHERE ((employee_dimension.employee_city = 'Boston'::varchar(6) /*+:v(1)*/) AND (employee_dimension.job_title = 'Cashier'::varchar(7) /*+:v(2)*/)) ORDER BY employee_dimension.employee_last_name, employee_dimension.employee_first_name


You can query the system table DIRECTED_QUERIES directly. For example:

=> SELECT query_name, is_active FROM V_CATALOG.DIRECTED_QUERIES WHERE query_name ILIKE '%findEmployeesCityJobTitle%';
          query_name           | is_active
 findEmployeesCityJobTitle_OPT | t
(1 row)

Query results for the fields INPUT_QUERY and ANNOTATED_QUERY are truncated after ~32K characters. You can get the full content of both fields in two ways: