Eon Mode Parameters
The following parameters configure how the database operates when running in Eon Mode. Query the CONFIGURATION_PARAMETERS system table to determine what levels (node, session, user, database) are valid for a given parameter.
Parameter | Description |
BackgroundDepotWarming |
Specifies background depot warming behavior:
For details, see Depot Warming. Default: 1 |
CatalogSyncInterval |
Specifies in minutes how often the transaction log sync service syncs metadata to communal storage. If you change this setting, Vertica restarts the interval count. Default: 5 |
DelayForDeletes |
Specifies in hours how long to wait before deleting a file from communal storage. Vertica first deletes a file from the depot. After the specified time interval, the delete also occurs in communal storage. Default: 0. Deletes the file from communal storage as soon as it is not in use by shard subscribers. |
DepotOperationsForQuery |
Specifies behavior when the depot does not contain queried file data, one of the following:
You can also specify query-level behavior with the hint |
ECSMode |
String parameter that sets the strategy Vertica uses when dividing the data in a shard among subscribing nodes during an ECS-enabled query, one of the following:
For details, see Manually Choosing an ECS Strategy. Default: |
ElasticKSafety |
Boolean parameter that controls whether Vertica adjusts shard subscriptions due to the loss of a primary node:
Default: 1 For details, see Maintaining Shard Coverage. |
EnableDepotWarmingFromPeers |
Boolean parameter, specifies whether Vertica warms a node depot while the node is starting up and not ready to process queries:
For details, see Depot Warming. Default: 0 |
FileDeletionServiceInterval |
Specifies in seconds the interval between each execution of the reaper cleaner service task. Default: 60 seconds |
PreFetchPinnedObjectsToDepotAtStartup |
If enabled (set to 1), a warming depot fetches objects that are pinned on its subcluster. For details, see Depot Warming. Default: 0 |
ReaperCleanUpTimeoutAtShutdown |
Specifies in seconds how long Vertica waits for the reaper to delete files from communal storage before shutting down. If set to a negative value, Vertica shuts down without waiting for the reaper. The reaper is a service task that deletes disk files. Default: 300 |
StorageMergeMaxTempCacheMB |
The size of temp space allocated per query to the StorageMerge operator for caching the data of S3 storage containers. The actual temp space that is allocated is the lesser of:
For details, see Local Caching of Storage Containers. |
UseCommunalStorageForBatchDepotWarming |
Boolean parameter, specifies whether where a node retrieves data when warming its depot:
The actual temp space that is allocated is the lesser of two settings: Default: 1 This parameter is for internal use only. Do not change it unless directed to do so by Vertica support. |
UseDepotForReads |
Boolean parameter, specifies whether Vertica accesses the depot to answer queries, or accesses only communal storage:
Enable depot reads to improve query performance and support K-safety. Default: 1 |
UseDepotForWrites |
Boolean parameter, specifies whether Vertica writes loaded data to the depot and then uploads files to communal storage:
Default: 1 |
UsePeerToPeerDataTransfer |
Boolean parameter, specifies whether Vertica pushes loaded data to other shard subscribers:
Setting to 1 helps improve performance when a node is down. Default: 0 This parameter is for internal use only. Do not change it unless directed to do so by Vertica support. |