Enforces execution of an annotated query exactly as written.

VERBATIM directs the optimizer to create a query plan that incorporates all hints in a annotated query. Furthermore, it directs the optimizer not to apply its own plan development processing on query plan components that pertain to those hints.

Usage of this hint varies between optimizer-generated and custom directed queries, as described below.




The VERBATIM hint must immediately follow SELECT. If the annotated query includes another hint that must also follow SELECT, such as SYNTACTIC_JOIN, combine the two hints together. For example:

SELECT /*+ syntactic_join,verbatim*/ 

Optimizer-Generated Directed Queries

The optimizer always includes the VERBATIM hint in the annotated queries that it generates for directed queries. For example, given the following CREATE DIRECTED QUERY OPTIMIZER statement:

=> CREATE DIRECTED QUERY OPTIMIZER getStoreSales SELECT sales.store_key, stores.store_name, sales.product_description, sales.sales_quantity, sales.sale_date FROM store.storesales sales JOIN store.store_dimension stores ON sales.store_key=stores.store_key WHERE sales.sale_date='2014-12-01' /*+IGNORECONST(1)*/ AND stores.store_name='Store1' /*+IGNORECONST(2)*/ ORDER BY sales.store_key, sales.sale_date;

The optimizer generates an annotated query that includes the VERBATIM hint:

=> SELECT query_name, annotated_query FROM V_CATALOG.DIRECTED_QUERIES WHERE query_name = 'getStoreSales';
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+------
query_name      | getStoreSales
annotated_query | SELECT /*+ syntactic_join,verbatim*/ sales.store_key AS store_key, stores.store_name AS store_name, sales.product_description AS product_description, sales.sales_quantity AS sales_quantity, sales.sale_date AS sale_date
FROM (store.storeSales AS sales/*+projs('store.storeSales')*/ JOIN /*+Distrib(L,L),JType(H)*/ store.store_dimension AS stores/*+projs('store.store_dimension_DBD_10_rep_VMartDesign')*/  ON (sales.store_key = stores.store_key))
WHERE (sales.sale_date = '2014-12-01'::date /*+IgnoreConst(1)*/) AND (stores.store_name = 'Store1'::varchar(6) /*+IgnoreConst(2)*/)

When the optimizer uses this directed query, it produces a query plan that is equivalent to the query plan that it used when it created the directed query:


=> EXPLAIN SELECT sales.store_key, stores.store_name, sales.product_description, sales.sales_quantity, sales.sale_date FROM store.storesales sales JOIN store.store_dimension stores ON sales.store_key=stores.store_key WHERE sales.sale_date='2014-12-04' AND stores.store_name='Store14' ORDER BY sales.store_key, sales.sale_date;


 EXPLAIN SELECT sales.store_key, stores.store_name, sales.product_description, sales.sales_quantity, sales.sale_date FROM store.storesales sales JOIN store.store_dimension stores ON sales.store_key=stores.store_key WHERE sales.sale_date='2014-12-04' AND stores.store_name='Store14' ORDER BY sales.store_key, sales.sale_date;

 The following active directed query(query name: getStoreSales) is being executed:
 SELECT /*+syntactic_join,verbatim*/ sales.store_key, stores.store_name, sales.product_description, sales.sales_quantity, sales.sale_date 
FROM (store.storeSales sales/*+projs('store.storeSales')*/ JOIN /*+Distrib('L', 'L'), JType('H')*/store.store_dimension stores
/*+projs('store.store_dimension_DBD_10_rep_VMartDesign')*/ ON ((sales.store_key = stores.store_key))) WHERE ((sales.sale_date = '2014-12-04'::date) 
AND (stores.store_name = 'Store14'::varchar(7))) ORDER BY sales.store_key, sales.sale_date

 Access Path:
 +-JOIN HASH [Cost: 463, Rows: 622 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 2)
 |  Join Cond: (sales.store_key = stores.store_key)
 |  Materialize at Output: sales.sale_date, sales.sales_quantity, sales.product_description
 |  Execute on: All Nodes
 | +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for sales [Cost: 150, Rows: 155K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 3)
 | |      Projection: store.storeSales_b0
 | |      Materialize: sales.store_key
 | |      Filter: (sales.sale_date = '2014-12-04'::date)
 | |      Execute on: All Nodes
 | |      Runtime Filter: (SIP1(HashJoin): sales.store_key)
 | +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for stores [Cost: 35, Rows: 2] (PATH ID: 4)
 | |      Projection: store.store_dimension_DBD_10_rep_VMartDesign_node0001
 | |      Materialize: stores.store_name, stores.store_key
 | |      Filter: (stores.store_name = 'Store14')
 | |      Execute on: All Nodes

Custom Directed Queries

The VERBATIM hint is included in a custom directed query only if you explicitly include it in the annotated query that you write for that directed query. When the optimizer uses that directed query, it respects the VERBATIM hint and creates a query plan accordingly.

If you omit the VERBATIM hint when you create a custom directed query, the hint is not stored with the annotated query. When the optimizer uses that directed query, it applies its own plan development processing on the annotated query before it generates a query plan. This query plan might not be equivalent to the query plan that the optimizer would have generated for the Vertica version in which the directed query was created.