install_vertica Options

The table below describes all install_vertica script options. Most options have a long and short form—for example, --hosts and -s.

install_vertica minimally requires two options:

  • --hosts / -s
  • --rpm / -r | --deb

For example:

 # /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --hosts node0001,node0002,node0003 \
            --rpm /tmp/vertica-10.1.1-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm

For details on minimal installation requirements, see Perform a Basic Install.

Option Description
--help Display help for this script.

Silently accepts the EULA agreement. On multi-node installations, this option is propagated across the cluster at the end of the installation, at the same time as the Administration Tools metadata.

Combine this option with --license (-L) to activate your license.

--add-hosts host-list
-A host-list

A comma-separated list of hosts to add to an existing Vertica cluster.

--add-hosts modifies an existing installation of Vertica by adding a host to the database cluster and then reconfiguring spread. This is useful for improving system performance, or making the database K-safe.

If you used --point-to-point (-T) to configure spread to use direct point-to-point communication within the existing cluster, you must also use it when you add a new host; otherwise, the new host automatically uses UDP broadcast traffic, resulting in cluster communication problems that prevent Vertica from running properly. For example:

--add-hosts host01

You can also use this option with the update_vertica script. For details, see Adding Nodes.


Specifies that Vertica use UDP broadcast traffic by spread between nodes on the subnet. This option is automatically used by default. No more than 80 spread daemons are supported by broadcast traffic. It is possible to have more than 80 nodes by using large cluster mode, which does not install a spread daemon on each node.

Do not combine this option with --point-to-point (-T).

When changing the configuration from --broadcast (-U) (the default) to --point-to-point (-T) or vice-versa, you must also specify --control-network (-S).


Forcibly cleans previously stored configuration files. Use this option if you need to change the hosts that are included in your cluster. Only use this option when no database is defined.

This option cannot be combined with update_vertica.

--config-file file
-z file

Accepts an existing properties file created by --record-config. This properties file contains key/value settings that map to options in the install_vertica script, many with Boolean arguments that default to false.

--control-network { bcast-addess | default }
-S { bcast-addess | default }

Set to one of the following arguments:

  • bcast-addess: A broadcast network IP address that enables configuration of spread communications on a subnet different from other Vertica data communications.

    bcast-addess must match the subnet for at least some of the nodes in the database. If the address does not match the subnet of any node in the database, then the installer displays an error and stops. If the provided address matches some, but not all of the node's subnets, the installer displays a warning, but installation continues.

    Ideally, the value for --control-network should match all node subnets.

  • default

You can also use this option to force a cluster-wide spread reconfiguration when changing spread related options.

--data-dir data-directory
-d data-directory

Specifies the directory for database data and catalog files.

Do not use a shared directory over more than one host for this setting. Data and catalog directories must be distinct for each node. Multiple nodes must not be allowed to write to the same data or catalog directory.

Default: /home/dbadmin

--dba-group group
-g group

The UNIX group for DBA users.


--dba-user dba-username
-u dba-username

The name of the database superuser system account to create. Only this account can run the Administration Tools. If you omit this option, then the default database administrator account name is .

This option is optional for new installations done as root but must be specified when upgrading or when installing using sudo. If upgrading, use this option to specify the same DBA account name that you used previously. If installing using sudo, dba-username must already exist.

If you manually create the user, modify the user's .bashrc file to include the line: PATH=/opt/vertica/bin:$PATH so Vertica tools such as vsql and admintools can be easily started by the dbadmin user.

--dba-user-home dba-home-directory
-l dba-home-directory

The home directory for the database administrator.


--dba-user-password dba-password
-p dba-password

The password for the database administrator account. If not supplied, the script prompts for a password and does not echo the input.

--dba-user-password-disabled Disables the password for --dba-user. This argument stops the installer from prompting for a password for --dba-user. You can assign a password later using standard user management tools such as passwd.
--failure-threshold [ threshold-arg ]

Stops the installation when the specified failure threshold is encountered, where threshold-arg can be one of the following:

  • HINT: Stop the install if a HINT or greater issue is encountered during the installation tests. HINT configurations are settings you should make, but the database runs with no significant negative consequences if you omit the setting.
  • WARN: Stop the installation if a WARN or greater issue is encountered. WARN issues may affect the performance of the database. However, for basic testing purposes or Community Edition users, WARN issues can be ignored if extreme performance is not required.
  • FAIL: Stop the installation if a FAIL or greater issue is encountered. FAIL issues can have severely negative performance consequences and possible later processing issues if not addressed. However, Vertica can start even if FAIL issues are ignored.
  • HALT: Stop the installation if a HALT or greater issue is encountered. The database may not be able to be started if you choose his option. Not supported in production environments.
  • NONE: Do not stop the installation. The database may not start. Not supported in production environments.

Default: WARN

--hosts host-list
-s host-list

A comma-separated list of host names or IP addresses to include in the cluster, where host-list must not include spaces. For example:

--hosts host01,host02,host03

The following requirements apply:

  • If upgrading an existing installation of Vertica, use the same host names used previously.
  • IP addresses or hostnames must be for unique hosts. Do not list the same host using multiple IP addresses/hostnames.
[ num-control-nodes | default]

Enables the large cluster feature, where a subset of nodes called control nodes connect to Spread to send and receive broadcast messages. Consider using this option for a cluster with more than 50 nodes in Enterprise Mode. Vertica automatically enables this feature if you install onto 120 or more nodes in Enterprise Mode, or 16 or more nodes in Eon Mode.

Supply this option with one of the following arguments:

  • num-control-nodes: Sets the number of control nodes in the new database. For Enterprise Mode, sets the number of control nodes in the entire cluster. In Eon Mode, sets the number of control nodes in the initial default subcluster. This value must be between 1 to 120 inclusive.

    Vertica sets the number of control nodes for the database to the value you specify here or the number of nodes in the --hosts option list, whichever is less.

  • default: Vertica sets the number of control nodes to the square root of the total number of cluster nodes listed in --hosts (-s).

See Enable Large Cluster When Installing Vertica for more information.

Default: default

--license { licensefile | CE }
-L { licensefile | CE }

Silently and automatically deploys the license key to /opt/vertica/config/share. On multi-node installations, the –-license option also applies the license to all nodes declared in the --hosts host_list. To activate your license, combined this option with –-accept-eula option. If you do not use the –-accept-eula option, you are asked to accept the EULA when you connect to your database. After you accept the EULA, your license is activated.

If specified with CE, automatically deploys the Community Edition license key, which is included in your download. You do not need to specify a license file.

For example:

--license CE
--license /tmp/vlicense.dat

Specifies that the installer makes no changes to system properties. By default, the installer makes system configuration changes to meet server requirements.

If you use this option, the installer posts warnings or failures for configuration settings that do not meet requirements that it otherwise configures automatically.

This option has no effect on creating or updating user accounts.


Configures spread to use direct point-to-point communication between all Vertica nodes. Use this option if your nodes are not located on the same subnet. Also use this option for all virtual environment installations, whether the virtual servers are on the same subnet or not.

The maximum number of spread daemons supported in point-to-point communication in Vertica is 80. It is possible to have more than 80 nodes by using large cluster mode, which does not install a spread daemon on each node.

Do not combine this option with --broadcast (-U).

When changing the configuration from --broadcast (-U) (the default) to --point-to-point (-T) or vice-versa, you must also specify --control-network (-S).

--record-config filename
-B filename

Accepts a file name, which when used in conjunction with command line options, creates a properties file that can be used with --config-file (-z). This option creates the properties file and exits; it does not affect installation.

--remove-hosts host-list
-R host-list

A comma-separated list of hosts to remove from an existing Vertica cluster.

--remove-hosts modifies an existing installation of Vertica by removing a host from the database cluster and then reconfiguring the spread. This is useful for removing an obsolete or over-provisioned system. For example:

---remove-hosts host01


  • If you use --point-to-point (-T) to configure spread to use direct point-to-point communication within the existing cluster, you must also use it when you remove a host; otherwise, the hosts automatically use UDP broadcast traffic, resulting in cluster communication problems that prevents Vertica from running properly.
  • The update_vertica script described in Removing Nodes in the Administrator's Guide calls the install_vertica script to perform the update to the installation. You can use the install_vertica or update_vertica script with this option.

--rpm package-name
-r package-name
--deb package-name

The name of the RPM or Debian package. For example:

--rpm vertica-10.1.x.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm

The install package must be provided if installing or upgrading multiple nodes and the nodes do not have the latest server package installed, or if you are adding a new node. The install_vertica and update_vertica scripts serially copy the server package to the other nodes and install the package.

If installing or upgrading a large number of nodes, consider manually installing the package on all nodes before running the upgrade script, as the script runs faster if it does not need to serially upload and install the package on each node.


Configures spread to output logging to /opt/vertica/log/spread_hostname.log. This option does not apply to upgrades.

Do not enable spread logging unless so directed by Vertica technical support.

--ssh-identity file
-i file

The root private-key file to use if passwordless ssh has already been configured between the hosts. Verify that normal SSH works without a password before using this option. The file can be private key file (for example, id_rsa), or PEM file. Do not use with the --ssh-password (-P) option.

Vertica accepts the following:

  • By providing an SSH private key which is not password protected. You cannot run the install_vertica script with the sudo command when using this method.
  • By providing a password-protected private key and using an SSH-Agent. Note that sudo typically resets environment variables when it is invoked. Specifically, the SSH_AUTHSOCK variable required by the SSH-Agent may be reset. Therefore, configure your system to maintain SSH_AUTHSOCK or invoke install_vertica using a method similar to the following:
    sudo SSH_AUTHSOCK=$SSH_AUTHSOCK /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica ...
--ssh-password password
-P password

The password to use by default for each cluster host. If you omit this option, and you also omit specifying --ssh-identity (-i), then the script prompts for the password as necessary and does not echo input.

Do not use this option together with --ssh-identity (-i).

Specify the password as follows:

  • If you run the install_vertica script as root, specify the root password:

    # /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica -P root-passwd
  • If you run the install_vertica script with the sudo command, specify the password of the user who runs install_vertica, not the root password.

    For example if user dbadmin runs install_vertica with sudo and has the password dbapasswd, then specify the password as dbapasswd:

    $ sudo /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica -P dbapasswd
--temp-dir directory

The temporary directory used for administrative purposes. If it is a directory within /opt/vertica, then it is created by the installer. Otherwise, the directory should already exist on all nodes in the cluster. The location should allow dbadmin write privileges.

This is not a temporary data location for the database.

Default: /tmp