Parses delimited data files. This parser provides a subset of the functionality in the parser fdelimitedparser. Use the fdelimitedpairparser when the data you are loading specifies pairs of column names with data in each row.


FDELIMITEDPAIRPARSER ( [parameter‑name='value'[,…]] )



Specifies a single-character delimiter.

Default:' '


Specifies a single-character record terminator.

Default: newline


Boolean specifies whether to trim white space from header names and key values.

Default: true


The following example illustrates creating a sample flex table for simple delimited data, with two real columns, eventId and priority.

  1. Create a table:

    => create flex table CEFData(eventId int default(eventId::int), priority int default(priority::int) );
  2. Load a sample delimited OpenText ArcSight log file into the CEFData table, using the fcefparser:

    => copy CEFData from '/home/release/kmm/flextables/sampleArcSight.txt' parser fdelimitedpairparser();
    Rows Loaded | 200
  3. After loading the sample data file, use maptostring() to display the virtual columns in the __raw__ column of CEFData:

    => select maptostring(__raw__) from CEFData limit 1;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        maptostring                          
       "agentassetid" : "4-WwHuD0BABCCQDVAeX21vg==",
       "agentzone" : "3083",
       "agt" : "265723237",
       "ahost" : "svsvm0176",
       "aid" : "3tGoHuD0BABCCMDVAeX21vg==",
       "art" : "1099267576901",
       "assetcriticality" : "0",
       "at" : "snort_db",
       "atz" : "America/Los_Angeles",
       "av" : "",
       "cat" : "attempted-recon",
       "categorybehavior" : "/Communicate/Query",
       "categorydevicegroup" : "/IDS/Network",
       "categoryobject" : "/Host",
       "categoryoutcome" : "/Attempt",
       "categorysignificance" : "/Recon",
       "categorytechnique" : "/Scan",
       "categorytupledescription" : "An IDS observed a scan of a host.",
       "cnt" : "1",
       "cs2" : "3",
       "destinationgeocountrycode" : "US",
       "destinationgeolocationinfo" : "Richardson",
       "destinationgeopostalcode" : "75082",
       "destinationgeoregioncode" : "TX",
       "destinationzone" : "3133",
       "device product" : "Snort",
       "device vendor" : "Snort",
       "device version" : "1.8",
       "deviceseverity" : "2",
       "dhost" : "",
       "dlat" : "329913940429",
       "dlong" : "-966644973754",
       "dst" : "3334896072",
       "dtz" : "America/Los_Angeles",
       "dvchost" : "unknown:eth1",
       "end" : "1364676323451",
       "eventid" : "1219383333",
       "fdevice product" : "Snort",
       "fdevice vendor" : "Snort",
       "fdevice version" : "1.8",
       "fdtz" : "America/Los_Angeles",
       "fdvchost" : "unknown:eth1",
       "lblstring2label" : "sig_rev",
       "locality" : "0",
       "modelconfidence" : "0",
       "mrt" : "1364675789222",
       "name" : "ICMP PING NMAP",
       "oagentassetid" : "4-WwHuD0BABCCQDVAeX21vg==",
       "oagentzone" : "3083",
       "oagt" : "265723237",
       "oahost" : "svsvm0176",
       "oaid" : "3tGoHuD0BABCCMDVAeX21vg==",
       "oat" : "snort_db",
       "oatz" : "America/Los_Angeles",
       "oav" : "",
       "originator" : "0",
       "priority" : "8",
       "proto" : "ICMP",
       "relevance" : "10",
       "rt" : "1099267573000",
       "severity" : "8",
       "shost" : "",
       "signature id" : "[1:469]",
       "slat" : "329913940429",
       "slong" : "-966644973754",
       "sourcegeocountrycode" : "US",
       "sourcegeolocationinfo" : "Richardson",
       "sourcegeopostalcode" : "75082",
       "sourcegeoregioncode" : "TX",
       "sourcezone" : "3133",
       "src" : "3334891530",
       "start" : "1364676323451",
       "type" : "0"
    (1 row)
  4. Select the eventID and priority real columns, along with two virtual columns, atz and destinationgeoregioncode:

    =>  select eventID, priority, atz, destinationgeoregioncode from CEFData limit 10;
      eventID   | priority |         atz         | destinationgeoregioncode
     1218325417 |        5 | America/Los_Angeles |
     1219383333 |        8 | America/Los_Angeles | TX
     1219533691 |        9 | America/Los_Angeles | TX
     1220034458 |        5 | America/Los_Angeles | TX
     1220034578 |        9 | America/Los_Angeles |
     1220067119 |        5 | America/Los_Angeles | TX
     1220106960 |        5 | America/Los_Angeles | TX
     1220142122 |        5 | America/Los_Angeles | TX
     1220312009 |        5 | America/Los_Angeles | TX
     1220321355 |        5 | America/Los_Angeles | CA
    (10 rows)

See Also