Error Messages Associated with SQLSTATE VD001

This topic lists the errors associated with the SQLSTATE VD001.

SQLSTATE VD001 Description


Error messages associated with this SQLState

ERROR 2010: string cannot be NULL
ERROR 2012: string clause does not exist in the query
ERROR 2202: Anchor table for projection string does not exist, so it cannot be added to deployment
ERROR 2204: Anchor table of projection string is a Session scoped table
ERROR 2205: Anchor table of projection string is a System table
ERROR 2211: API string not available in old DBD engine
ERROR 2212: API cannot take query input file and query string, only one can be set
ERROR 2304: Can only load value string under the string design type
ERROR 2328: Cannot string as design was created already
ERROR 2336: Cannot add another Comprehensive design to deployment string
ERROR 2337: Cannot add design projections in extend catalog type deployment string in workspace string
ERROR 2338: Cannot add design tables to design string because there are populated designs
ERROR 2339: Cannot add design to deployment string because design string has not been populated
ERROR 2369: Cannot clear design tables from design string because there are populated designs
ERROR 2375: Cannot compute projections to be dropped for only incremental designs deployment
ERROR 2394: Cannot design encoding for Projection string as it does not have any AUTO encoded columns
ERROR 2395: Cannot design encoding for Projection string as it is not SAFE -- Create its buddies 
ERROR 2396: Cannot design/deploy for virtual system schema string
ERROR 2423: Cannot execute deployment when there are non-up-to-date safe projections for table string
ERROR 2454: Cannot load invalid query: string
ERROR 2456: Cannot load queries as design was populated already
ERROR 2463: Cannot output design projections because design is not available
ERROR 2464: Cannot output query because query id is invalid
ERROR 2471: Cannot populate drop projections in extend catalog type deployment string in workspace string
ERROR 2477: Cannot refresh projections for table value as it was dropped
ERROR 2480: Cannot remove any design table from design string because there are populated designs
ERROR 2485: Cannot remove workspace string because it does not exist
ERROR 2492: Cannot retrieve design tables for design string in workspace string
ERROR 2493: Cannot retrieve information for design string in workspace string
ERROR 2507: Cannot set k-safety when design string has been populated
ERROR 2657: Column 'string' does not exist in Table string
ERROR 2658: Column 'string' is duplicated in the column list
ERROR 3053: Deployment string already exists in workspace string
ERROR 3054: Deployment got canceled
ERROR 3056: Deployment ksafety should be equal or greater than design ksafety.  Deployment ksafety is value and design ksafety is value
ERROR 3057: Deployment name cannot be NULL
ERROR 3058: Deployment Projections status is set to Error
ERROR 3060: Design string already exists
ERROR 3061: Design string already exists for workspace string
ERROR 3063: Design string has already been added to deployment string
ERROR 3064: Design string has not been populated in workspace string so projection cannot be added
ERROR 3065: Design string hasn't been populated
ERROR 3066: Design string in workspace string is not available
ERROR 3067: Design string is already populated
ERROR 3068: Design string is populated, remove design first (designer_remove_design)
ERROR 3071: Design name cannot have more than value characters
ERROR 3072: Design name may contain only alphanumeric or underscore characters
ERROR 3073: Design did not complete successfully, so deployment did not start
ERROR 3074: Design K-safety should be 0
ERROR 3077: Design name cannot have character '.'
ERROR 3079: Optimization objective cannot be NULL
ERROR 3080: Design query with design_query_id value does not exist
ERROR 3081: Design Query with design_query_id string does not exist
ERROR 3082: Design string does not exist
ERROR 3087: design_override_type string for query (design_query_id value) already exists
ERROR 3088: design_override_type string for table string already exists
ERROR 3089: design_override_type string for table string does not exist
ERROR 3100: Did not find any projections to design encodings for
ERROR 3101: Did not find design projections for projection ids given
ERROR 3102: Did not find design projections for tablePattern string
ERROR 3103: Did not find design tables to add
ERROR 3104: Did not find design tables to remove
ERROR 3105: Did not find projection id value in deployment string in workspace string 
ERROR 3106: Did not find projections for design string in workspace string
ERROR 3107: Did not find rows in deployment table for deployment string in workspace string 
ERROR 3108: Did not find rows in designs table for workspace string
ERROR 3140: Dropping design without getting design projections, API call is of no use
ERROR 3166: Empty design name is not allowed
ERROR 3188: Error after projection refresh: string
ERROR 3194: Error creating workspace: Invalid workspace name
ERROR 3195: Error deleting deployment status table
ERROR 3202: Error during deployment while setting ksafety before deployment starts
ERROR 3203: Error during design: string
ERROR 3205: Error during drop projections: string
ERROR 3208: Error during projection creation: string
ERROR 3214: Error during remove design string
ERROR 3215: Error during rename projections: string
ERROR 3241: Error opening query input file [string]
ERROR 3250: Error querying deployment projections statements table
ERROR 3251: Error querying deployment projections table
ERROR 3252: Error querying design projections table for design string in workspace string
ERROR 3253: Error querying: string
ERROR 3266: Error status for projections to add for table string
ERROR 3267: Error status for projections to drop for table string
ERROR 3268: Error updating deployment projections table
ERROR 3270: Error while loading statistics into design tables for design string
ERROR 3277: Error writing to [string]
ERROR 3356: External table string is not a design table
ERROR 3358: Failed during select mark_design_ksafe(value)
ERROR 3415: Filename cannot be NULL
ERROR 3480: Given design string does not exist
ERROR 3489: Group-by override value on query value cannot be satisfied
ERROR 3543: Incremental design needs a query or an input query file to be set
ERROR 3574: INSERT query without SELECT is not supported: string
ERROR 3649: Invalid Deploy Operation string string
ERROR 3650: Invalid deploy status string string
ERROR 3740: Invalid query input file [string]
ERROR 3795: Invalid design creator name
ERROR 3817: Join override value on query value cannot be satisfied
ERROR 3824: K cannot be value (maximum allowed is value)
ERROR 3825: K must be equal to or greater than value, cannot reduce current k-safety level
ERROR 3827: K-safety cannot be NULL
ERROR 3867: List of projections cannot be NULL
ERROR 3898: mark_design_ksafe(value) failed; some projections may not be k-safe
ERROR 4031: Namespace for LOCAL temporary tables cannot be used to add design tables
ERROR 4057: New ksafety cannot be less than 0
ERROR 4078: No deployment data in string.string
ERROR 4080: No drop entries found for deployment string in workspace string 
ERROR 4099: No projections found for the projection ids string string
ERROR 4117: No tables found in schema string
ERROR 4118: No tables found in the table pattern given
ERROR 4119: No tables to design projections for
ERROR 4235: One of the design tables no longer exist
ERROR 4311: Override (design_override_id value) is ignored because the table string is no longer a design table
ERROR 4312: Override (design_override_id value) is ignored because the table does not exist
ERROR 4313: override_type string for query (design_query_id value) does not exist
ERROR 4314: override_type string is invalid
ERROR 4460: Projection string does not exist
ERROR 4461: Projection string does not exist 
ERROR 4466: Projection string to be refreshed was dropped
ERROR 4475: Projection id cannot be NULL
ERROR 4476: Projection id list cannot be NULL
ERROR 4479: Projection name cannot be NULL
ERROR 4497: Query Id cannot be NULL
ERROR 4498: Query referencing EPOCH column is not supported
ERROR 4499: Query referencing local temporary table string is not supported: string
ERROR 4500: Query referencing projection string is not supported: string
ERROR 4501: Query without referencing any catalog table is not supported: string
ERROR 4503: Query table string does not exist
ERROR 4504: Query table contains multiple entries with qid = value
ERROR 4505: Query weight must be a positive number
ERROR 4525: Rebalance data cannot proceed when there are non-up-to-date projections in the catalog
ERROR 4526: Rebalance data failed during select mark_design_ksafe(value)
ERROR 4651: Schema string does not exist
ERROR 4652: Schema string is not a designer created schema, so it cannot be dropped
ERROR 4655: Schema name cannot be NULL
ERROR 4721: Session scoped table string is not a design table
ERROR 4783: Start deploy: deploy is already running on this node
ERROR 4819: Subqueries in UPDATE/DELETE is not supported: string
ERROR 4866: System table string is not a design table
ERROR 4874: Systems tables within system schema string cannot be added as design tables
ERROR 4885: Table string does not exist
ERROR 4886: Table string does not exist anymore in the catalog
ERROR 4888: Table string has no statistics or data. As a result, the proposed projections on this table may be suboptimal
ERROR 4890: Table string is not a design table
ERROR 4891: Table string is not a design table, referenced in query (qid=value): string
ERROR 4902: Table name cannot be NULL
ERROR 4907: Table pattern cannot be NULL
ERROR 4920: Terminated after SO enum. See log for the content of the SOs
ERROR 4942: The design table entry with table name string.string is corrupted, as that table has been renamed in the Vertica catalog
ERROR 4976: There are value nodes. Deployment K = value is not possible
ERROR 4977: There are no projections to add in deployment string for workspace string so no projections can be dropped
ERROR 4980: There is 1 node. Deployment K = value is not possible
ERROR 4981: There is more than one design string in workspace string
ERROR 4983: There is no design tables system table in workspace string 
ERROR 4991: This invalid query cannot be loaded: string
ERROR 4994: This non-SELECT query is not supported: string
ERROR 4995: This query is not supported in DBDesigner
ERROR 5363: User string does not have privileges to access design table: string
ERROR 5364: User string does not have privileges to access table: string
ERROR 5390: User has insufficient privileges on table string
ERROR 5480: Workspace string cannot be a virtual system schema
ERROR 5481: Workspace string does not exist
ERROR 5482: Design string is configured for extend_catalog so no designs can be computed
ERROR 5483: Design string is configured for extend_catalog so remove drops is not supported 
ERROR 5484: Design string is configured for extend_catalog so there are no design tables
ERROR 5485: Design string is configured for extend_catalog, there are no design tables
ERROR 5486: Workspace cannot be NULL
ERROR 5487: Design name cannot be NULL
ERROR 5564: Deployment Parallelism cannot be less than zero
ERROR 5565: Deployment parallelism cannot be NULL
ERROR 5573: Error generating results set
ERROR 5575: Error querying designs table
ERROR 5588: Fenced mode false is not supported for string functions
ERROR 5589: Fenced mode is not supported for SQL functions
ERROR 5591: Hurryup parameter cannot be NULL
ERROR 5597: Invalid input query: 'string'
ERROR 5650: Query without referencing any design tables is not supported: string
ERROR 5657: Segmentation type of the projection string is not supported for encoding design, skipping
ERROR 5694: Weight for query_text 'string' is 'value'. Only positive weight values are accepted
ERROR 5747: analyzeStats flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5773: Cannot output deployment script because design is not available
ERROR 5792: continueAfterError flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5817: Deploy flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5855: Did not find any tables to analyze correlations on
ERROR 5857: dropDesignAndCtx flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5858: dropProjs flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5866: Error while analyzing correlations for design table string.string
ERROR 5867: Error while analyzing count distincts for design table string.string
ERROR 5868: Error while analyzing count distincts on correlation sample for design table string.string
ERROR 5869: Error while analyzing segmentation skew for design table string.string
ERROR 5870: Error while dropping existing correlations in design table string
ERROR 5871: Error while loading or analyzing correlations in design tables for design string
ERROR 5907: Force option cannot be NULL
ERROR 5908: forceRecomputation flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5919: Input cannot be NULL
ERROR 5938: isAdminUser flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5939: K-safety of incremental designs must match the current system k-safety (which is value)
ERROR 5979: onlyScript flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 5980: outputScript flag cannot be NULL
ERROR 6040: Table string has no correlations
ERROR 6041: Table string has no data. As a result, no correlations were analyzed on this table
ERROR 6042: Table string has no statistics or data. As a result, no correlations were analyzed on this table
ERROR 6043: Table string has no statistics or data. As a result, no correlations were read into this table
ERROR 6049: The mode of analyzing correlations cannot be NULL
ERROR 6050: The mode of analyzing correlations is invalid
ERROR 6096: User has insufficient privileges on table string.string
ERROR 6223: Design K-safety should be in [0,value] range
ERROR 6247: Error during deployment: no projections found for deployment string
ERROR 6489: Error querying v_catalog.projections table
ERROR 7191: Projection with expressions string is not supported for encoding design
ERROR 7192: Projection with expressions string is not supported for encoding design, skipping
ERROR 7379: Cannot generate unique name for Database Designer schema
ERROR 8487: No new projections recommended for deployment by DBD
ERROR 8810: No deployment data
ERROR 9106: Design interval cannot be NULL

The Vertica User Community contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.