Error Messages Associated with SQLSTATE V1001
This topic lists the errors associated with the SQLSTATE V1001.
SQLSTATE V1001 Description
Error messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2709: Connection to spread closed
ERROR 4048: NetworkReceive: Decompression failed
ERROR 4054: NetworkSend on string: failed to open connection to node string (string)
ERROR 4140: Node string was not successfully added to the cluster
ERROR 4142: Node failure during execution
ERROR 4533: Receive: Decompression failed
ERROR 4534: Receive on string: Message receipt from string failed [string]
ERROR 4541: ReceiveFiles on string: Unexpected end of stream from string [string]
ERROR 4547: RecvFiles on string: Open failed on node [string] (string)
ERROR 4572: RemoteSend: Open failed on node [string], IPAddr is [string], port is [value] (string)
ERROR 4683: Send: Connection not open [string tag:value plan value]
ERROR 4684: Send: Open failed on node [string] (string)
ERROR 4689: SendFiles on string: Open failed on node [string] (string)
ERROR 5579: Failure in send on socket string: string
ERROR 5624: NetworkReceive on string: failed to open connection to node string (string)
ERROR 5625: NetworkReceive on string: Message receipt from string failed: string
ERROR 5658: Send on string: Open failed on node [string] (Address lookup for string(string) failed)
ERROR 7116: Receive on string: open failed for node string (string) --- has query been cancelled?
ERROR 8537: DataTargetProxy on string: handle is canceled
ERROR 8538: DataTargetProxy on string: Unexpected end of stream from string [string]
ERROR 9020: DataTargetProxy: Unexpected end of stream from string
ERROR 9061: Network address lookup for [string] failed
ERROR 9446: Exception : Database migration hasn't been completed on node string
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