Error Messages Associated with SQLSTATE 58030
This topic lists the errors associated with the SQLSTATE 58030.
SQLSTATE 58030 Description
Error messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2024: string Error occurred during BZIP decompression. BZIP error code: value
ERROR 2026: string Error occurred during ZLIB decompression. ZLIB error code: value, Message: string
ERROR 2253: Bad return from WaitForMultipleObjects: value (value)
ERROR 2432: Cannot get LibraryPath from node: string
ERROR 2433: Cannot get MD5 checksum from node: string
ERROR 2600: Checksums do not match (computed=0xvalue, fromdisk=0xvalue) discarding checkpoint!
ERROR 2674: ColumnAccessBase open error
ERROR 3197: Error deserializing snapshot info from file string
ERROR 3255: Error reading from file string
ERROR 3303: Exception during measurement deserialization
ERROR 3305: Exception during Stats deserialization:string
ERROR 3370: Failed to create socket waiting event: value
ERROR 3385: Failed to reset socket waiting event: value
ERROR 3408: File size on disk does not match catalog for string
ERROR 3412: FileColumnReader: Get block string @ value error
ERROR 3478: getnameinfo_all() failed: string
ERROR 3550: Info file string does not exist
ERROR 3796: IO_ERROR writing data file [string]
ERROR 4364: Performance measurement of [string] failed
ERROR 4518: Read error when expanding glob: string
ERROR 4632: RowAccessBase open error
ERROR 5124: Unable to close catalog file [string]
ERROR 5126: Unable to create catalog file [string]
ERROR 5131: Unable to drop catalog file [string]
ERROR 5133: Unable to fsync catalog file [string] errno=value
ERROR 5141: Unable to open file [string]
ERROR 5152: Unable to write catalog file [string]
ERROR 5153: Unable to write checksum to catalog file [string]
ERROR 5154: Unable to write object to catalog file [string]
ERROR 5887: Failed to mount file system value: string
ERROR 5901: Filesystem does not pass basic test: string
ERROR 5902: Filesystem does not pass basic test: I/O data differ
ERROR 6074: Unable to close catalog file after fsync [string] errno=value
ERROR 6077: Unable to fsync catalog dir [string] errno=value
ERROR 6079: Unable to open catalog dir fd for fsync [string] errno=value
ERROR 6080: Unable to open catalog dir for fsync [string] errno=value
ERROR 6081: Unable to open catalog file for fsync [string] errno=value
ERROR 6082: Unable to open spread conf file string for writing
ERROR 6118: string Error occured during LZO decompression (compressed data violation).LZO error code: value
ERROR 6258: Exception during file writer deserialization: string
ERROR 6259: Exception during file writer serialization: string
ERROR 6260: Exception during snapshot deserialization: string
ERROR 6261: Exception during snapshot serialization: string
ERROR 6262: Exception during storage container deserialization: string
ERROR 6263: Exception during storage container serialization: string
ERROR 6527: Filesystem does not support snapshot
ERROR 6528: Filesystem failed to restore snapshot
ERROR 6550: Cannot open catalog source file string
ERROR 6746: Duplicate storage location id: value
ERROR 6762: Error manifest format
ERROR 6776: Failed to glob [string] because of error: string
ERROR 6808: Improperly ordered or duplicate storage ids: string, string
ERROR 6830: Invalid section for storage locations
ERROR 6860: Malformed object line: string
ERROR 6861: Malformed storage location line: string
ERROR 6984: tar_append_file: string: value
ERROR 6985: tar_append_tree failed:value Real dir:string; save dir: string
ERROR 6987: tar_extract_all failed:value Extract path:string
ERROR 6988: tar_open failed:value Path:string
ERROR 7178: Error loading from all sources
ERROR 7718: Exception on closing file: string
ERROR 7720: Exception on flushing file: string
ERROR 7721: Exception on opening file: string
ERROR 7722: Exception on reading file: string
ERROR 7723: Exception on resizing file: string
ERROR 7724: Exception on writing to file: string
ERROR 7728: No place to store chunk files
ERROR 7869: No files match when expanding glob: [string]
ERROR 8025: Exception when open blob file: string
ERROR 8067: Cannot open file string for tiered catalog printer
ERROR 8085: Empty filename specified
ERROR 8340: Unable to open transaction log file [string]
ERROR 8350: Error syncing missing transaction logs to [string] following node startup: string
ERROR 8351: Error syncing transaction logs to [string]: string
ERROR 8352: Failed to copy checkpoint to [string] for commitid=value at global catalog version value: string
ERROR 8353: Failed to remove value old checkpoints from string: string
ERROR 8354: Failed to remove old txn logs older than value from string: string
ERROR 8355: Failed to write cluster configuration file for catalog version value: string
ERROR 8368: Cluster configuration file [string] is empty
ERROR 8370: Error loading remote catalog: string
ERROR 8374: Unable to find cluster configuration file [string]
ERROR 8380: Txn log [string] synced from [string] is larger: (value remotely vs value locally)
ERROR 8381: Txn log [string] was only partially synced to [string]: (value remotely vs value locally)
ERROR 8458: Cannot write file: export_log.json
ERROR 8471: Error writing catalog diffs from string: string
ERROR 8472: Error writing catalog diffs to string: string
ERROR 8493: UploadFileTask::File string not found for uploading
ERROR 8539: Exception during DTRosFileInfo serialization: string
ERROR 8540: Exception during RosMessage serialization: string
ERROR 8541: Exception during sending DTContainers (temp name = string)
ERROR 8542: Exception during sending EOF : string
ERROR 8543: FileColumnWriter::Exception during file name sending : string
ERROR 8551: StorageBundleWriter: Exception during file name sending : string
ERROR 8552: StorageBundleWriter: Exception during flush bundled data: string
ERROR 8553: StorageBundleWriter: Exception during footer sending : string
ERROR 8578: Exception during file name deserialization: string
ERROR 8579: Exception during ROS message deserialization: string
ERROR 8819: No Library tar file in string
ERROR 8831: Cannot append to the memory report file: string
ERROR 8868: tar_close failed: value
ERROR 8990: Temp path is not set when opening S3 file operator for file string
ERROR 8994: Unable to stat file string: string
ERROR 9208: Cannot create directory for blob [string] at [string]. Reason: string
ERROR 9421: Temp path is not set when opening webhdfs file operator for file string
ERROR 9447: Exception during creating remote node direcotry on [string]: string
ERROR 9448: Failed to copy checkpoint (commitid value, version value) to [string]: string
ERROR 9449: Failed to copy txn logs to remote directory string: string
ERROR 9521: Cannot write import log to file [string]
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