Error Messages Associated with SQLSTATE 54000
This topic lists the errors associated with the SQLSTATE 54000.
SQLSTATE 54000 Description
Error messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2052: string Row size value is too large
ERROR 2472: Cannot prepare statement - too many prepared statements
ERROR 3460: Function string may give a value-octet result; the limit is value octets
ERROR 3626: Invalid buffer enlargement request size value
ERROR 3866: Line is too long in timezone file "string", line value
ERROR 4282: Operator string may give a value-octet Varbinary result; the limit is value octets
ERROR 4283: Operator string may give a value-octet Varchar result; the limit is value octets
ERROR 4557: regexp_replace result is too long
ERROR 4913: Target lists can have at most value entries
ERROR 5043: Timezone directory stack overflow
ERROR 5060: Too many data partitions
ERROR 5263: Unsupported access to external table
ERROR 5265: Unsupported access to virtual schema
ERROR 5266: Unsupported access to virtual table
ERROR 5267: Unsupported access to virtual view
ERROR 5749: Array size exceeds the maximum allowed (value)
ERROR 6064: Transaction commit delta is too large (value)
ERROR 6076: Unable to fork to start spread: value
ERROR 6117: Size of compressed serialized plan (value bytes) is too large
ERROR 6147: Attempted to return result set too large; exceeds remote execution buffer size of value
ERROR 8177: Total size of intermediate columns is too large
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