Error Messages Associated with SQLSTATE 42V17

This topic lists the errors associated with the SQLSTATE 42V17.

SQLSTATE 42V17 Description


Error messages associated with this SQLState

ERROR 2387: Cannot create projections involving external table string
ERROR 3075: Design type string is invalid
ERROR 3078: Optimization objective string is invalid
ERROR 3199: Error during deployment querying deployment projections table for workspace string
ERROR 3200: Error during deployment querying design projections table for design string in workspace string 
ERROR 3201: Error during deployment while querying deployment projections table for workspace string 
ERROR 3204: Error during drop design from deployment for workspace string 
ERROR 3206: Error during extend catalog while querying deployments table for workspace string
ERROR 3207: Error during getDesignTablesFromDeployment in workspace string 
ERROR 3213: Error during remove deployment drops from deployment string for workspace string 
ERROR 3227: Error in querying string.string
ERROR 3269: Error while checking whether there are only incremental design deployed for deployment string in workspace string 
ERROR 3271: Error while querying designs table for workspace string
ERROR 3968: More than one IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT column defined for table "string"
ERROR 3983: Multiple instances of deployment string in workspace string
ERROR 4128: No valid projections found
ERROR 4230: ON DELETE rule may not use NEW
ERROR 4231: ON INSERT rule may not use OLD
ERROR 4232: ON SELECT rule may not use NEW
ERROR 4233: ON SELECT rule may not use OLD
ERROR 4635: Rule WHERE condition may not contain references to other relations
ERROR 4636: Rules with WHERE conditions may only have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE actions
ERROR 4919: Temporary table projections are not allowed for this operation
ERROR 4982: There is no deployment string in workspace string
ERROR 4989: This function cannot be called on design string located in design workspace string
ERROR 4990: This function cannot be called on design string, when its design mode is string
ERROR 5367: User defined aggregate must return exactly one column.Function string returns value
ERROR 5369: User defined analytic must return exactly one column
ERROR 5384: User defined transform must provide names or aliases for return columns
ERROR 5385: User defined transform must return at least one column
ERROR 5527: An error occurred on node string when setting up the type, message:
ERROR 5721: Purge is not allowed on temporary tables
ERROR 6095: UseLongStrings has been deprecated
ERROR 6166: Cannot create top-k projection: projection columns and limit are too big for the top-k buffer
ERROR 6483: Invalid enum value for parameter name
ERROR 6627: Aggregate projections may only contain User Defined Transforms with partition by BATCH in the outer query
ERROR 6628: Aggregate projections may only contain User Defined Transforms with partition by PREPASS or BATCH
ERROR 6970: Subqueries in aggregate projections may only contain User Defined Transforms with partition by PREPASS
ERROR 6993: The batch and prepass User Defined Transform Functions' signatures are not compatible for use in a live aggregate projection
ERROR 6994: The batch User Defined Transform Function does not have identical input and output signature
ERROR 7788: Only projections with single phase PREPASS User Defined Transforms can have user specified sort order or segmentation
ERROR 7789: ORDER BY / SEGMENTED BY / UNSEGMENTED are not allowed in projections with two phase User Defined Transforms. The projection is automatically ordered and segmented on partition by columns

The Vertica User Community contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.