Error Messages Associated with SQLSTATE 42601
This topic lists the errors associated with the SQLSTATE 42601.
SQLSTATE 42601 Description
Error messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2030: string has been deprecated as string string Vertica option
ERROR 2069: 'string' is not a table name in the current search_path
ERROR 2085: A column cannot occur in an equality predicate and an interpolation predicate
ERROR 2086: A column definition list is only allowed for functions that return "record"
ERROR 2087: A column definition list is required for functions returning "record"
ERROR 2093: A join can have only one set of interpolated predicates
ERROR 2100: A query with Time Series Aggregate Function string must have a timeseries clause
ERROR 2156: All columns are evaluated by expressions. At least one column should be read from input
ERROR 2157: All columns in select list must be columns used by projection
ERROR 2164: Alter Column Type driver: Unrecognized command type
ERROR 2180: Analytic function string must have an OVER clause
ERROR 2187: Analytic functions cannot be nested
ERROR 2191: ANALYZE CONSTRAINT is not supported
ERROR 2203: Anchor table not found
ERROR 2214: Argument value has invalid type value in ANALYZE_WORKLOAD
ERROR 2215: Argument value in ANALYZE_WORKLOAD must be constant
ERROR 2223: Argument in ANALYZE_CONSTRAINTS must be constant
ERROR 2230: Arguments of row IN must all be row expressions
ERROR 2238: At least two arguments are required
ERROR 2239: At most one path number can be entered
ERROR 2346: Cannot alter a sequence with START
ERROR 2381: Cannot create a sequence with RESTART
ERROR 2444: Cannot insert into or update IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT column "string"
ERROR 2445: Cannot insert into system column "string"
ERROR 2446: Cannot insert multiple commands into a prepared statement
ERROR 2521: Cannot specify anything other than user defined transforms string in the string list
ERROR 2525: Cannot specify more than one user-defined transform function in the SELECT list
ERROR 2526: Cannot specify more than one window clause with a user defined transform
ERROR 2534: Cannot use "PR" with "S"/"PL"/"MI"/"SG"
ERROR 2535: Cannot use "S" with "MI"
ERROR 2536: Cannot use "S" with "PL"
ERROR 2537: Cannot use "S" with "PL"/"MI"/"SG"/"PR"
ERROR 2538: Cannot use "S" with "SG"
ERROR 2539: Cannot use "V" with a decimal point
ERROR 2545: Cannot use aggregate function in VALUES
ERROR 2627: Column "string" in ENCODED BY clause is not found in the table
ERROR 2641: Column "string.string" must appear in the PARTITION BY list of Timeseries clause or be used in a Time Series Aggregate Function
ERROR 2642: Column string cannot be evaluated
ERROR 2645: Column string has other computed columns in its expression
ERROR 2647: Column string in ORDER BY list is not found in TABLE
ERROR 2659: Column alias list for "string" has too many entries
ERROR 2669: COLUMN OPTION is not supported
ERROR 2670: Column options are not supported
ERROR 2696: Conflicting INTERVAL subtypes
ERROR 2697: Conflicting NULL/NOT NULL declarations for column "string" of table "string"
ERROR 2715: Constraint declared INITIALLY DEFERRED must be DEFERRABLE
ERROR 2754: COPY requires a data source; either a FROM clause or a WITH SOURCE for a user-defined source
ERROR 2764: COPY: Expression for column string cannot be coerced
ERROR 2946: CREATE TABLE AS specifies too many column names
ERROR 2947: CREATE VIEW specifies more column names than columns
ERROR 2986: Database name is required (too few dotted names): string
ERROR 3023: Default values specified for IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT column "string" of table "string"
ERROR 3125: Drop Column driver: Unrecognized command type
ERROR 3142: Duplicate column "string" in create table statement
ERROR 3143: Duplicate column string in constraint
ERROR 3151: Duplicate tables in projection not allowed
ERROR 3155: Duplicated parameters string not allowed
ERROR 3158: Each string query must have the same number of columns
ERROR 3164: Empty column name is invalid
ERROR 3165: Empty constraint name is invalid
ERROR 3171: ENCODED BY is not supported in CREATE PROJECTION statement when column renaming list is defined
ERROR 3172: ENCODED BY is not supported in CREATE PROJECTION statement with column definition list
ERROR 3173: ENCODED BY is not supported in CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement when column list is defined
ERROR 3176: End epoch (value) number out of range
ERROR 3177: End epoch (value) precedes start epoch (value)
ERROR 3183: Epoch number out of range
ERROR 3185: Epoch time out of range
ERROR 3344: EXPORT ... SELECT may not specify INTO
ERROR 3348: Expression "(<string> - <string>) <interval qualifier>" is not supported
ERROR 3349: Expression for column string cannot be coerced
ERROR 3458: Function string is not allowed in Time Series queries
ERROR 3461: Function string requires at least one argument
ERROR 3500: HAVING / GROUP BY not allowed with Time Series query
ERROR 3517: Improper %%TYPE reference (too few dotted names): string
ERROR 3518: Improper %%TYPE reference (too many dotted names): string
ERROR 3519: Improper qualified column name: string
ERROR 3520: Improper qualified name (too many dot): string
ERROR 3521: Improper qualified name (too many dots): string
ERROR 3522: Improper qualified name (too many dotted names): string
ERROR 3523: Improper relation name (too many dotted names): string
ERROR 3538: Incorrect parameter type provided: string is supposed to be of type string
ERROR 3548: Indirection is not allowed in a target column
ERROR 3549: Indirection is not allowed in the name of a FILLER column
ERROR 3571: INSERT ... SELECT may not specify INTO
ERROR 3572: INSERT has more expressions than target columns
ERROR 3573: INSERT has more target columns than expressions
ERROR 3599: Interpolated predicates are allowed only in ON CLAUSE of ANSI Join syntax
ERROR 3602: Interpolated predicates should refer to columns from both relations of the join
ERROR 3615: INTO is only allowed on first SELECT of UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT
ERROR 3619: Invalid argument type value in ANALYZE_CONSTRAINTS
ERROR 3672: Invalid hexadecimal number at or near "string"
ERROR 3706: Invalid node name in hint
ERROR 3709: Invalid number at or near "string"
ERROR 3738: Invalid projection name in hint: string
ERROR 3775: Invalid Unicode escape character 'character'
ERROR 3776: Invalid Unicode hex number "string"
ERROR 3812: Join condition in merge query must include at least one table attribute
ERROR 3841: Label can accept only one argument
ERROR 3865: LIMIT #,# syntax is not supported
ERROR 3944: Misplaced DEFERRABLE clause
ERROR 3945: Misplaced INITIALLY DEFERRED clause
ERROR 3946: Misplaced INITIALLY IMMEDIATE clause
ERROR 3947: Misplaced NOT DEFERRABLE clause
ERROR 3949: Missing argument
ERROR 3958: Missing savepoint name
ERROR 3959: Missing the path number
ERROR 3976: Multiple assignments to same column "string"
ERROR 3978: Multiple decimal points
ERROR 3979: Multiple default values specified for column "string" of table "string"
ERROR 3980: Multiple DEFERRABLE/NOT DEFERRABLE clauses not allowed
ERROR 3981: Multiple FOR UPDATE clauses are not allowed
ERROR 3982: Multiple INITIALLY IMMEDIATE/DEFERRED clauses not allowed
ERROR 3984: Multiple LIMIT clauses are not allowed
ERROR 3985: Multiple OFFSET clauses are not allowed
ERROR 3986: Multiple ORDER BY clauses are not allowed
ERROR 4023: Must specify memorySize parameter
ERROR 4024: Must specify one new name for each schema
ERROR 4025: Must specify one new name for each table
ERROR 4026: Must specify one new name for each view
ERROR 4062: NEW used in query that is not in a rule
ERROR 4066: No actions specified
ERROR 4070: No columns specified in select list
ERROR 4072: No constraints defined
ERROR 4105: No second argument needed when analyzing all constraints
ERROR 4136: Node "string" does not exist
ERROR 4161: Non-integer constant in string
ERROR 4164: Nonexistent columns: 'string'
ERROR 4203: Number of columns defined in CREATE TABLE statement is less than in SELECT query output
ERROR 4204: Number of columns defined in CREATE TABLE statement is more than in SELECT query output
ERROR 4205: Number of columns in the PROJECTION statement must be the same as the number of columns in the SELECT statement
ERROR 4225: OLD used in query that is not in a rule
ERROR 4227: ON COMMIT clause may only be specified for TEMPORARY tables
ERROR 4237: Only a single "S" is allowed
ERROR 4239: Only ASC is allowed in ORDER BY list of auto projection for CREATE TABLE
ERROR 4240: Only columns are allowed in ORDER BY list of auto projection for CREATE TABLE
ERROR 4241: Only columns are allowed in SELECT list of projection
ERROR 4247: Only inner joins are allowed in a projection defining query
ERROR 4268: Only tables are allowed in FROM clause of projection
ERROR 4291: Operator too long at or near "string"
ERROR 4294: Option string conflicts with prior options
ERROR 4296: Options not set
ERROR 4297: ORDER BY column in timeseries OVER clause must be Timestamp type
ERROR 4325: Parameters can only contain constants or constant expressions
ERROR 4327: Parsing error "string" at or near "string"
ERROR 4348: Path Number must be in [ 0, value ]
ERROR 4350: Pattern "0" must come before "PR"
ERROR 4351: Pattern "9" must come before "PR"
ERROR 4383: plannedConcurrency must be greater than 0
ERROR 4487: Projections can only be sorted in ascending order
ERROR 4669: SELECT * with no tables specified is not valid
ERROR 4670: SELECT DISTINCT ON is not standard SQL, use just SELECT DISTINCT
ERROR 4706: Sequence functions accept constant strings arguments only
ERROR 4732: Set Operators are not allowed in a projection
ERROR 4761: Sort key string should be in the target list
ERROR 4828: Subquery has too few columns
ERROR 4829: Subquery has too many columns
ERROR 4831: Subquery in FROM may not have SELECT INTO
ERROR 4833: Subquery in FROM must have an alias
ERROR 4835: Subquery must return a column
ERROR 4836: Subquery must return only one column
ERROR 4837: Subquery not allowed in a projection
ERROR 4838: Subquery not allowed in SELECT list and/or ORDER BY clause for Time Series queries
ERROR 4855: Syntactic Optimizer requires joins written using ANSI JOIN syntax
ERROR 4856: Syntax error at or near "string"
ERROR 4947: The foreign key in this constraint has already been defined as a foreign key for relation "string"
ERROR 4955: The number of target columns (value) does not match the number of columns (value) in the EXPORT statement
ERROR 4956: The number of target columns (value) is less than the number of columns (value) in the EXPORT statement
ERROR 5007: Time Series Aggregate Functions cannot be nested
ERROR 5008: Time Series queries cannot refer to column of outer query
ERROR 5009: Time Series queries cannot refer to column of outer query: "string.string"
ERROR 5011: Time slice length must be a positive integer constant
ERROR 5012: Time slice length must be an interval constant
ERROR 5161: Unequal number of entries in row expression
ERROR 5162: Unequal number of entries in row expressions
ERROR 5272: Unsupported From clause expression
ERROR 5285: Unsupported SET option
ERROR 5286: Unsupported SET option string
ERROR 5287: Unsupported SHOW option string
ERROR 5290: Unsupported transaction option string
ERROR 5305: Unterminated /* comment at or near "string"
ERROR 5306: Unterminated bit string literal at or near "string"
ERROR 5307: Unterminated dollar-quoted string at or near "string"
ERROR 5308: Unterminated hexadecimal string literal at or near "string"
ERROR 5310: Unterminated quoted identifier at or near "string"
ERROR 5311: Unterminated quoted string at or near "string"
ERROR 5323: Usage: clear_profiling( string , string )
ERROR 5324: Usage: disable_profiling( string )
ERROR 5325: Usage: enable_profiling( string )
ERROR 5326: Use "string(*)" to call this aggregate function
ERROR 5383: User Defined Transform Functions are allowed only in a SELECT list
ERROR 5386: User defined transform will return value columns, whereas value aliases provided
ERROR 5401: User-defined transform function string must have an OVER clause
ERROR 5413: Value must be either "units" or "plain"
ERROR 5415: Value must be either ON or OFF
ERROR 5452: Virtual tables are not allowed in FROM clause of projection
ERROR 5492: Wrong number of parameters for prepared statement "string"
ERROR 5493: Wrong number of parameters on left side of OVERLAPS expression
ERROR 5494: Wrong number of parameters on right side of OVERLAPS expression
ERROR 5505: You can specify a node name only once in a create projection statement, node string appears more than once
ERROR 5518: Zero-length delimited identifier at or near "string"
ERROR 5524: A projection can have only one basename
ERROR 5525: A projection can have only one createtype
ERROR 5566: Dimension tables may not have data that shorter lived than the fact table
ERROR 5577: Expression for user-defined type column string cannot be coerced
ERROR 5600: Invalid predicate in projection-select. Only PK=FK equijoins are allowed
ERROR 5617: Multiple WITH clauses not allowed
ERROR 5629: Not a Star or Snow-Flake Query
ERROR 5630: Nullable FKs are not allowed in projection definition
ERROR 5651: Recursive With is not supported
ERROR 5664: Subqueries not allowed in projection definition
ERROR 5670: The number of alias columns must be the same as the number of selected columns
ERROR 5691: User-defined function string is not a supported scalar function
ERROR 5696: WITH query name "string" specified more than once
ERROR 5711: Invalid function arguments
ERROR 5714: Missing the random seed
ERROR 5730: The second argument, sampling method, should be always be 1 -- naive sampling(biased)
ERROR 5733: The third argument must be large than 0
ERROR 5734: Three arguments at most: sampling seed, sampling method (optional, default 1), sampling size (optional,default 10)
ERROR 5916: If specified, maximum error percentage must be a numeric constant
ERROR 5929: Invalid maximum error percentage specified
ERROR 6034: Syntax Error: 'string' is a built in type
ERROR 6048: The minimum value that may be specified for maximum error percentage is 0.88
ERROR 6061: Too many arguments to string
ERROR 6119: 'deleted' hint takes no arguments
ERROR 6120: 'latestdata' hint arguments must be strings
ERROR 6122: A projection can replace only one original
ERROR 6124: A single argument must be supplied to string
ERROR 6136: Aggregate projection without group-by columns is not supported
ERROR 6137: Aggregate projections must have at least one aggregate (SUM, COUNT, MIN, or MAX)
ERROR 6140: All sort keys should be in the target list of the projection
ERROR 6146: At least two columns must be specified
ERROR 6196: Columns in ORDER-BY must be defined in the SELECT statement
ERROR 6197: Columns/Expressions in GROUP BY/PARTITION BY must be first and in the same order with columns in SELECT
ERROR 6198: ORDER BY columns/expressions in the OVER() clause must be the first SELECT columns/expressions not specified by PARTITION BY clause, and must be specified in SELECT list order
ERROR 6199: Columns/Expressions in the PARTITION BY clause may not be repeated in the ORDER BY clause
ERROR 6232: DISTINCT Aggregates are not allowed in projection
ERROR 6293: Interpolated join predicates cannot have expressions or functions over join columns
ERROR 6294: Invalid Argument
ERROR 6321: Limit in Top-K query must be a positive number
ERROR 6324: Limit/Offset is only allowed in topk projections
ERROR 6340: Multiple ORDER BY clauses in partition TopK/Limit query are not allowed
ERROR 6341: Multiple PARTITION clauses in TopK/Limit query are not allowed
ERROR 6367: Only one table or projection is allowed in FROM clause of top-k projection
ERROR 6369: Only SUM, MIN, MAX and COUNT are allowed in aggregate projections
ERROR 6372: ORDER BY is not allowed in aggregate projection. The aggregate projection is automatically ordered on group by columns
ERROR 6373: ORDER BY is not allowed in top-k projections. The top-k projection is automatically ordered on partition by columns
ERROR 6379: PARTITION BEST can only be used with single-phase user defined transform functions
ERROR 6381: PARTITION NODES can only be used with single-phase user defined transform functions
ERROR 6394: SEGMENTED BY / UNSEGMENTED is not allowed in aggregate projection. The aggregate projection is automatically segmented on group by columns
ERROR 6395: SEGMENTED BY / UNSEGMENTED is not allowed in top-k projections. The top-k projection is automatically segmented on partition by columns
ERROR 6518: At most one projection offset number can be entered
ERROR 6539: User Defined Transform string returns a string on which collation can't be applied in non default locale
ERROR 6543: Grouping functions only allowed with aggregates
ERROR 6544: MultiLevel Aggregates are not allowed in projection
ERROR 6562: Hint PROJS cannot be used with hint SKIP_PROJS for the same table instance. Hint PROJS will be ignored
ERROR 6563: Hint SKIP_PROJS cannot be used with hint PROJS for the same table instance. Hint SKIP_PROJS will be ignored
ERROR 6568: Invalid projection name in hint: string. The whole hint will be ignored
ERROR 6640: Argument of hint string must be a positive integer
ERROR 6654: Batch/Prepass may only be used in the over(...) clause of a user defined transform in a Live Aggregate Projection
ERROR 6686: Cannot specify LIMIT with OVER(...) clause with a user defined transform
ERROR 6696: Column "string.string" refers to table "string" which is out of scope
ERROR 6697: Columns/Expressions in the partition clause have to appear in the SELECT list
ERROR 6701: Constants with the same parameter hint must be identical
ERROR 6800: Hint string must have one argument
ERROR 6834: Invalid use of _oidrefs hint
ERROR 6853: Live aggregate projections may only be one of the following types: Group-by, Top-K, or UDT
ERROR 6878: No previously saved query to associate with
ERROR 6899: Parameters cannot have NULL values
ERROR 6969: Subqueries for aggregate projections need to contain User Defined Transforms
ERROR 6972: Syntax Error. Struct member 'string' has missing base type
ERROR 7014: UD Parameters value length [value] is more than the max allowed length [value]
ERROR 7051: Unsupported hint for input expr
ERROR 7109: Parameter 'string' is required
ERROR 7147: Option string is repeated. Please specify each option only once
ERROR 7153: Syntax Error. At least one parameter has to be specified
ERROR 7164: Cannot use ORC format with FLEX tables
ERROR 7228: Cannot use string compression with string files
ERROR 7229: Cannot use PARQUET format with FLEX tables
ERROR 7327: SET USING cannot be specified for IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT column "string" of table "string"
ERROR 7391: Cannot use an UDSource with string files
ERROR 7420: Expression list has more than one string column
ERROR 7488: Number of key/value pairs [value] exceeds the maximum allowed
ERROR 7538: Sequence manipulation functions not supported in INSERT SELECT with implicit column that has default query
ERROR 7744: Try local hint only supports SELECT queries without table join
ERROR 7746: Try local hint requires all nodes to be up
ERROR 7750: WHERE clause syntax is incompatible with "try local" hint, hint is ignored
ERROR 7755: This projection is not valid with "try_local" hint
ERROR 7875: SET USING/DEFAULT cannot be specified for IDENTITY/AUTO_INCREMENT column "string" of table "string"
ERROR 7909: Columns/Expressions in PARTITION BY must be first and in the same order with columns in SELECT
ERROR 7965: At most one WHEN MATCHED clause is allowed in MERGE
ERROR 7966: At most one WHEN NOT MATCHED clause is allowed in MERGE
ERROR 7967: MERGE/INSERT has more expressions than target columns
ERROR 7968: MERGE/INSERT has more target columns than expressions
ERROR 7982: Cannot use expressions in OVER(...) clause
ERROR 7989: Invalid column in MERGE statement: string. The insert filter of a WHEN NOT MATCHED clause cannot reference the target table string
ERROR 8011: SELECT expressions must have column labels
ERROR 8114: Multiple SET USING values specified for column "string" of table "string"
ERROR 8116: No '=' found in 'string', while parsing for string
ERROR 8164: Subquery in MERGE statement are allowed at SOURCE only
ERROR 8205: Hint string cannot be used on NULL
ERROR 8747: At least one argument is required
ERROR 8956: If provided synopsis_version must be 2
ERROR 8961: Invalid synopsis_version specified
ERROR 8989: synopsis_version must be a numeric constant
ERROR 9015: Sequence manipulation functions allowed only in outer SELECT list
ERROR 9016: Sequence manipulation functions not allowed in subqueries
ERROR 9060: Mismatch with the existing sort order
ERROR 9062: No changes made to the existing sort order
ERROR 9362: Only a table or projection is allowed in the FROM clause of a top-k projection
ERROR 9363: Only a table or projection is allowed in the FROM clause of an aggregate projection
ERROR 9364: Only one table or projection is allowed in the FROM clause of an aggregate projection
ERROR 9365: Only table or projection is allowed in FROM clause of aggregate projection
ERROR 9403: For 'ARRAY', element types are inconsistent
ERROR 9404: For 'ARRAY', nested array columns are not supported
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