Error Messages Associated with SQLSTATE 23505

This topic lists the errors associated with the SQLSTATE 23505.

SQLSTATE 23505 Description


Error messages associated with this SQLState

ERROR 3147: Duplicate MERGE key detected in join [string]; value [string]
ERROR 3149: Duplicate primary/unique key detected in join [string]; value [string]
ERROR 4840: Subquery used as an expression returned more than one row
ERROR 6744: Duplicate key values in table 'string': 'string' -- violates constraint 'string'
ERROR 6745: Duplicate key values: 'string' -- violates constraint 'string'
ERROR 7695: Null value in primary key column: 'string' -- violates constraint 'string'

The Vertica User Community contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.