Error Messages Associated with SQLSTATE 22V24
This topic lists the errors associated with the SQLSTATE 22V24.
SQLSTATE 22V24 Description
Error messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 6703: Corrupt orc source!
ERROR 6723: Data type string is not supported for the ORC file format
ERROR 6726: Datatype mismatch: column value in the orc source [string] has type string, expected string
ERROR 6777: Failed to read orc source [string]
ERROR 6778: Failed to read orc source [string]: string
ERROR 7087: Attempt to load value columns from an orc source [string] that has value columns
ERROR 7127: The table has value columns, but the orc source [string] has value columns
ERROR 7157: Attempt to load value columns from an orc source [string] that has value columns and value partition columns
ERROR 7202: The table has value columns, but the orc source [string] has value columns and value partition columns
ERROR 7241: Corrupt parquet source!
ERROR 7246: Data type string is not supported for the PARQUET file format
ERROR 7247: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string] has type string, expected string
ERROR 7257: Failed to read parquet source [string]
ERROR 7258: Failed to read parquet source [string]: string
ERROR 7985: Decimal type with precision value (> 38) is not supported
ERROR 8847: Failed to read orc source [string]: collection types are not supported
ERROR 8862: No ORC Column Readers found for column [value]
ERROR 9135: Attempt to load value columns from a parquet source [string] that has value columns
ERROR 9156: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string] has primitive type string, expected complex type
ERROR 9171: The table has value columns, but the parquet source [string] has value columns
ERROR 9252: Corrupted Schema of Parquet file
ERROR 9258: No parquet file was found in [string]
ERROR 9266: Byte array as Numeric is not supported right now
ERROR 9289: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string] does not have the expected ARRAY type at string
ERROR 9290: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string] does not have the expected MAP type at string
ERROR 9292: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string] has a collection of type string, expected primitive type string
ERROR 9295: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string] has ARRAY type. Expected ROW type at string
ERROR 9296: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string] has MAP type. Expected ROW type at string
ERROR 9297: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string] has primitive type string, expected collection of type string
ERROR 9299: Source has unsupported MAP type at string
ERROR 9317: Data type TIME of column [string] is not supported in Vertica right now. Creating this external table will cause errors.
ERROR 9318: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string] has unsupported ROW column type at string
ERROR 9325: Source has unsupported ARRAY type at string
ERROR 9399: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string] has stringstringstringcomplex typestringstring, expected primitive type string
ERROR 9400: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string] has stringstringstringtype stringstringstring, expected string
ERROR 9401: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string] has different string type field count. Source has value at string, expected value
ERROR 9402: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string] has different ROW type. Source has primitive type string at string, expected complex type
ERROR 9406: Parquet Arrays are not supported in this context
ERROR 9435: Data type UNSIGNED INT64 of column [string] is not supported in Vertica. Numeric(20,0) is used instead
ERROR 9520: Attempt to load value columns from a parquet source [string] that has value columns and value partition columns
ERROR 9524: The table has value columns, but the parquet source [string] has value columns and value partition columns
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