Error Messages Associated with SQLSTATE 22V04
This topic lists the errors associated with the SQLSTATE 22V04.
SQLSTATE 22V04 Description
Error messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2031: string Header size (value) is corrupted
ERROR 2032: string Header size (value) is too small
ERROR 2035: string Input record value has been rejected (string)
ERROR 2053: string Row size (value) is corrupted
ERROR 2054: string Unexpected EOF while reading header. Expected value but read value
ERROR 2738: COPY file signature not recognized
ERROR 2767: COPY: Wrong Header size value. Expected value
ERROR 3562: Input has extra trailing bytes
ERROR 3640: Invalid COPY file header (unsupported Version Number)
ERROR 4206: Number of fields is value, expected value
ERROR 4627: Row delimiter not found; corrupt file input (read value bytes from input)
ERROR 5495: Wrong size value for bool column value (string)
ERROR 5496: Wrong size value for date column value (string)
ERROR 5497: Wrong size value for float column value (string)
ERROR 5498: Wrong size value for integer column value (string)
ERROR 5499: Wrong size value for Interval column value (string)
ERROR 5500: Wrong size value for Numeric column value (string)
ERROR 5501: Wrong size value for Time column value (string)
ERROR 5502: Wrong size value for Timestamp column value (string)
ERROR 5503: Wrong size value for TimestampTz column value (string)
ERROR 5504: Wrong size value for TimeTz column value (string)
ERROR 6363: Not able to skip value rows for source [string]
ERROR 7293: string [value] records have been rejected
ERROR 8394: Wrong size value for Uuid column value (string)
The Vertica User Community contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.