Error Messages Associated with SQLSTATE 22023
This topic lists the errors associated with the SQLSTATE 22023.
SQLSTATE 22023 Description
Error messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2008: string can not be set to a negative number
ERROR 2028: string exceptions and rejected_data can not be the same filename
ERROR 2042: string must be a positive integer
ERROR 2048: string Path [string] is a directory
ERROR 2049: string Path [string] is a socket
ERROR 2056: string Unrecognized format 'string' for column value
ERROR 2071: 'string' is not a valid size description
ERROR 2075: @INCLUDE without filename in timezone file "string", line value
ERROR 2077: [string] cannot be dropped. There will be no storage locations for data files
ERROR 2078: [string] cannot be dropped. There will be no storage locations for temporary files
ERROR 2079: [string] cannot be retired. There will be no storage locations for data files
ERROR 2080: [string] cannot be retired. There will be no storage locations for temporary files
ERROR 2081: [string] is not a valid storage location on node string
ERROR 2108: ACL array contains wrong data type
ERROR 2109: ACL arrays must be one-dimensional
ERROR 2158: All columns of soft unique key statistics must be from the same table
ERROR 2196: analyze_statistics: Cannot analyze statistics of a virtual table string
ERROR 2197: analyze_statistics: invalid accuracy value A number between 0 and 100 is required
ERROR 2254: Bad snapshot name 'string' (cannot contain / or start with a .)
ERROR 2298: Can not lock/unlock super user account
ERROR 2300: Can not reuse any recent passwords
ERROR 2301: Can not reuse current password
ERROR 2302: Can not reuse the previous value passwords
ERROR 2317: Can't purge projection(s); AHM is at epoch 0
ERROR 2319: Can't set a REJECTED file on node 'string', which the current query is not executing on
ERROR 2320: Can't set an EXCEPTIONS file on node 'string', which the current query is not executing on
ERROR 2365: Cannot calculate week number without year information
ERROR 2370: Cannot close a protected session
ERROR 2414: Cannot drop extended statistics on a projection (string)
ERROR 2415: Cannot drop extended statistics on projection string. Dropping base statistics only
ERROR 2452: Cannot load data from node string as it is down
ERROR 2457: Cannot merge partitions in multiple tables at the same time
ERROR 2468: Cannot partition by value multiple tables at the same time
ERROR 2478: Cannot release savepoint; no transaction in progress
ERROR 2500: Cannot set string maxConcurrency to unlimited
ERROR 2509: Cannot set maxMemorySize of string pool to string [value KB], as it is above 75%% [75%% = value KB]
ERROR 2510: Cannot set maxMemorySize of string pool to none, as this could prevent moveout from running
ERROR 2511: Cannot set maxMemorySize of recovery pool to string [value KB], as it is below 25%% [value KB]
ERROR 2513: Cannot set memorySize of general pool
ERROR 2523: Cannot specify exceptions or rejected-data files ON ANY NODE
ERROR 2540: Cannot use 0 for a key, used internally
ERROR 2548: Cannot use both COPY LOCAL and ON ANY NODE: LOCAL files are stored on the client, not on any Vertica node
ERROR 2621: Collection type must be specified
ERROR 2624: Column "string" does not exist
ERROR 2653: Column string of projection string has ACCESSRANK < 0
ERROR 2695: Conflicting "datestyle" keywords
ERROR 2720: Conversion to timezone "string" failed
ERROR 2722: COPY .. LOCAL cannot store string on a Vertica node
ERROR 2723: COPY ... LOCAL can read files from the client only
ERROR 2724: COPY ... LOCAL can read files with same compression only
ERROR 2727: COPY column option string not supported with format string
ERROR 2728: COPY delimiter stringmust not appear in the NULL specification
ERROR 2735: COPY ENCLOSING CHARACTER stringmust not appear in the NULL specification
ERROR 2748: COPY NULL must be an empty string or a single character for FIXED WIDTH data
ERROR 2749: COPY option string not supported
ERROR 2750: COPY option string not supported with format string
ERROR 2752: COPY RECORD TERMINATOR must be at least ONE character long
ERROR 2753: COPY REJECTMAX should be >= 0
ERROR 2756: COPY skip characters should be >= 0
ERROR 2757: COPY skip should be >= 0
ERROR 2760: COPY WITH PARSER Error (column value): Parser specified a column of type [string]; table needs [string]
ERROR 2761: COPY WITH PARSER Error: Parser specified value column(s); table needs value column(s)
ERROR 2765: COPY: width and length of null string does not match for column string
ERROR 2766: COPY: width for column string has to be greater than 0
ERROR 2830: Could not convert to timezone "string"
ERROR 2932: Couldn't find the specified task
ERROR 2950: Current design does not meet the requirements for K = value
Current design is valid for K string value
ERROR 2963: CURRENT_TIME(value) precision must not be negative
ERROR 2964: CURRENT_TIME(value) precision reduced to maximum allowed, value
ERROR 2965: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(value) precision must not be negative
ERROR 2966: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(value) precision reduced to maximum allowed, value
ERROR 2993: Datepart "string" not recognized
ERROR 2994: Datepart is invalid
ERROR 3006: DDL statement interfered with snapshot; an object no longer exists
ERROR 3012: DECIMAL precision value must be between 1 and value
ERROR 3013: DECIMAL scale value must be between 0 and precision value
ERROR 3032: Delimiter and record terminator cannot be the same value
ERROR 3033: Delimiter and record terminator for string cannot be the same value
ERROR 3138: drop_statistics: Can not drop statistics for a virtual table/projection string
ERROR 3168: ENCLOSED BY and delimiter stringcan not be the same value
ERROR 3169: ENCLOSED BY and ESCAPE AS stringcan not be the same value
ERROR 3170: ENCLOSED BY and record terminator stringcan not be the same value
ERROR 3178: ENFORCELENGTH cannot be specified for string
ERROR 3280: ESCAPE AS and delimiter stringcan not be the same value
ERROR 3281: ESCAPE AS and NULL specification stringcan not be the same value
ERROR 3282: ESCAPE AS and record terminator stringcan not be the same value
ERROR 3383: Failed to parse object name string
ERROR 3423: Fixed width record size (value) is too large. Record size has to be lesser than value (0xvalue)
ERROR 3424: Fixed width record size is too large. Record size has to be lesser than value (0xvalue)
ERROR 3440: Format cannot be specified for string
ERROR 3503: ICU string error: 'string'
ERROR 3505: ICU does not support locale 'string'
ERROR 3513: Illegal argument to change_runtime_priority: NULL
ERROR 3514: Illegal argument to set_config_parameter: NULL
ERROR 3524: In the SAMPLE STORAGE n or SAMPLE STORAGE n,b clause, n must be a constant greater than or equal to 0
ERROR 3525: In the SAMPLE STORAGE n PERCENT or SAMPLE STORAGE n PERCENT,b clause, n must be a constant greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 100
ERROR 3526: In the SAMPLE STORAGE n PERCENT,b clause, n must be a constant greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 100, while b must be a constant greater than or equal to 0
ERROR 3527: In the SAMPLE STORAGE n,b clause, both n and b must be constants greater than or equal to 0
ERROR 3528: In the SAMPLE STORAGE n,b or SAMPLE STORAGE n PERCENT,b clause, b must be a constant greater than or equal to 0
ERROR 3541: Increase in pool size to string [value KB] causes general pool to fall below minimum [25%% = value KB]
ERROR 3607: INTERVAL leading field precision increased to value
ERROR 3608: INTERVAL leading field precision reduced to value
ERROR 3610: INTERVAL SECOND precision reduced to value
ERROR 3612: Interval units "value" not recognized
ERROR 3632: Invalid collection type string specified
ERROR 3652: Invalid Directives type: string
ERROR 3673: Invalid hint identifier 'string'
ERROR 3686: Invalid interval value for timezone
ERROR 3688: Invalid K value: value K cannot be less than zero
ERROR 3689: Invalid K value: value Maximum K value for value nodes is: value
ERROR 3692: Invalid limit type (string): must be HIGH or LOW
ERROR 3695: Invalid list syntax for "datestyle"
ERROR 3707: Invalid node: [string]
ERROR 3710: Invalid number for timezone offset in timezone file "string", line value
ERROR 3741: Invalid range
ERROR 3743: Invalid resource type (string)
ERROR 3746: Invalid runtime priority string
ERROR 3750: Invalid service name for 'string'
ERROR 3759: Invalid syntax in timezone file "string", line value
ERROR 3767: Invalid timezone file name "string"
ERROR 3777: Invalid Usage type: string
ERROR 3780: Invalid user/role name "string"
ERROR 3783: Invalid value string=string
ERROR 3787: Invalid value for parameter
ERROR 3788: Invalid value for parameter string: string
ERROR 3789: Invalid value for search path: "string"
ERROR 3840: Keyword 'string' (string=string) is not supported
ERROR 3845: Latency should be > 0
ERROR 3852: Length for type string cannot exceed value
ERROR 3853: Length for type string must be at least 1
ERROR 3877: LOCALTIME(value) precision must not be negative
ERROR 3878: LOCALTIME(value) precision reduced to maximum allowed, value
ERROR 3879: LOCALTIMESTAMP(value) precision must not be negative
ERROR 3880: LOCALTIMESTAMP(value) precision reduced to maximum allowed, value
ERROR 3912: maxMemorySize of string [value KB] is not in bounds [max is value KB]
ERROR 3920: memoryCap of string (value KB) would exceed [value KB]
ERROR 3922: memorySize string [value KB] would exceed maxMemorySize string [value KB]
ERROR 3923: memorySize of string [value KB] would exceed [value KB]
ERROR 3960: Missing timezone abbreviation in timezone file "string", line value
ERROR 3961: Missing timezone offset in timezone file "string", line value
ERROR 3967: More than one string specified for a node
ERROR 4027: Must supply a CATALOGPATH
ERROR 4028: Must supply a HOSTNAME
ERROR 4037: Negative run time cap is not allowed
ERROR 4038: Negative runTimeCap is not allowed
ERROR 4089: No objects specified
ERROR 4175: Not allowed to close session
ERROR 4186: NULL is an invalid K value
ERROR 4187: NULL is invalid object name for analyze_extended_statistics
ERROR 4190: NULL is invalid scope type for analyze_extended_statistics
ERROR 4191: NULL is invalid statistics type for analyze_extended_statistics
ERROR 4194: NULL string and record terminator stringcan not be the same value
ERROR 4211: NUMERIC precision value must be between 1 and value
ERROR 4212: NUMERIC scale value must be between 0 and precision value
ERROR 4222: Occurrence number must be > 0
ERROR 4250: Only ONE exception file should be specified for a LOCAL copy
ERROR 4252: Only ONE rejected data file should be specified for a LOCAL copy
ERROR 4318: Parameter string in default profile can not be set to DEFAULT
ERROR 4319: Parameter string may not exceed 9999
ERROR 4330: PARTITION BY clause must contain table columns in a valid expression
ERROR 4334: Partition key too long
ERROR 4347: Path cannot be an empty string
ERROR 4406: Precision for type float must be at least 1 bit
ERROR 4407: Precision for type float must be less than 54 bits
ERROR 4408: Precision must be less than value; result would be numeric(value,value)
ERROR 4454: Projection string cannot be analyzed, because it is not up to date
ERROR 4456: Projection string cannot drop statistics, because it is not up to date
ERROR 4529: Rebalance skew percent must be in the range [0,100]
ERROR 4556: Regexp starting position must be greater than zero
ERROR 4595: Resource pool "string" is an internal pool and cannot be dropped
ERROR 4606: Retention settings must be less than 2TB
ERROR 4639: Run time cap cannot exceed 1 year
ERROR 4642: runTimeCap cannot exceed 1 year
ERROR 4647: Scaling factor must be greater than zero
ERROR 4648: Scaling factor must be less than 33
ERROR 4653: Schema string is virtual
ERROR 4701: Sequence string is already owned by string
ERROR 4702: SEQUENCE CACHE should be greater than 0
ERROR 4708: SEQUENCE MAXVALUE is too large and will overflow
ERROR 4709: SEQUENCE MINVALUE is too small and will underflow
ERROR 4710: SEQUENCE MINVALUE should be lesser than MAXVALUE
ERROR 4723: SET string takes only one argument
ERROR 4766: Specified too few widths for the given number of columns
ERROR 4770: Specify at least one table-column for soft unique key statistics
ERROR 4802: STROKE collations are not supported
ERROR 4807: Subnet mask is empty
ERROR 4862: System pool priority must be between -110 and 110 inclusive
ERROR 4889: Table string is already owned by string
ERROR 4892: Table string is not partitioned
ERROR 4893: Table string is session scoped
ERROR 4894: Table string is virtual
ERROR 4923: That password is not acceptable
ERROR 4937: The confidence level must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.
ERROR 4961: The permissible error must between 0 and 100 inclusive.
ERROR 5002: Throughput should be > 0
ERROR 5014: Time units "value" not recognized
ERROR 5015: Time units "string" not recognized
ERROR 5019: TIME(value)string precision must not be negative
ERROR 5020: TIME(value)string precision reduced to maximum allowed, value
ERROR 5026: Timestamp units "value" not recognized
ERROR 5027: Timestamp units "string" not recognized
ERROR 5029: TIMESTAMP(value) precision reduced to maximum allowed, value
ERROR 5030: TIMESTAMP(value)string precision must not be negative
ERROR 5031: TIMESTAMP(value)string precision reduced to maximum allowed, value
ERROR 5034: TIMESTAMPTZ(value) precision must not be negative
ERROR 5036: TIMETZ(value) precision must not be negative
ERROR 5037: TIMETZ(value) precision reduced to maximum allowed, value
ERROR 5038: Timezone "string" not recognized
ERROR 5039: Timezone "string" uses leap seconds
ERROR 5041: Timezone abbreviation "string" is multiply defined
ERROR 5042: Timezone abbreviation "string" is too long (maximum value characters) in timezone file "string", line value
ERROR 5045: Timezone file recursion limit exceeded in file "string"
ERROR 5046: Timezone offset value is not a multiple of 900 sec (15 min) in timezone file "string", line value
ERROR 5047: Timezone offset value is out of range in timezone file "string", line value
ERROR 5048: Timezone value "string" is more than value hours
ERROR 5067: Total data collector memory retention of valueKB is too large given system memory size
ERROR 5106: TuningRecommendations data collection is disabled
ERROR 5118: UDL specified no execution nodes; at least one execution node must be specified
ERROR 5136: Unable to log this tuning analysis event
ERROR 5198: Unknown authentication method: "string"
ERROR 5209: Unknown node: string
ERROR 5211: Unknown or unsupported object: string
ERROR 5215: Unknown value string=string
ERROR 5220: Unrecognized "datestyle" keyword: "string"
ERROR 5229: Unrecognized format 'string'
ERROR 5248: Unrecognized privilege type: "string"
ERROR 5258: Unrecognized timezone name: "string"
ERROR 5271: Unsupported format code: value
ERROR 5316: Usage cannot be an empty string
ERROR 5317: Usage of [string] cannot be changed from string to string
ERROR 5319: Usage of [string] cannot be changed to string. There will be no storage locations for data files
ERROR 5320: Usage of [string] cannot be changed to string. There will be no storage locations for temporary files
ERROR 5393: User pool priority must be between -100 and 100 inclusive
ERROR 5437: Vertica should not be run with less than 1GB of RAM
ERROR 5520: string compresses network traffic. string does NOT compress network traffic. Please change the configuration to be consistent
ERROR 5521: string does NOT compress network traffic. string compresses network traffic. Please change the configuration to be consistent
ERROR 5538: Cannot COPY user-defined types directly. Please compute them using copy expressions
ERROR 5542: Cannot INSERT or COPY user-defined types directly. Please compute them using appropriate user-defined functions
ERROR 5545: Cluster layout must include all non-ephemeral nodes and should also not include any ephemeral nodes
ERROR 5549: Conversion from string to DataType string failed. Invalid value
ERROR 5571: Empty storage tier label is not allowed
ERROR 5576: Every permanent node should only be listed once
ERROR 5598: Invalid or unavailable type 'LONG VARBINARY'
ERROR 5599: Invalid or unavailable type 'LONG VARCHAR'
ERROR 5605: Invalid projection createtype 'string'
ERROR 5613: Length for type string must be between 1 and value
ERROR 5631: Object string does not exist or is not of supported type
ERROR 5632: Object string is not a table
ERROR 5634: Path [string] is a directory
ERROR 5644: Projection basename "string" is not a prefix of projection name "string"
ERROR 5645: Projection basename cannot be empty
ERROR 5646: Projection createtype cannot be empty
ERROR 5647: Provided Node "string" does not exist
ERROR 5648: Provided Node "string" is not permanent
ERROR 5668: Target table name can not be empty
ERROR 5685: User Defined Filter expected but found string
ERROR 5686: User Defined Parser expected but found string
ERROR 5687: User Defined Source expected but found string
ERROR 5693: Using 1 year for QUEUETIMEOUT
ERROR 5703: Couldn't find the specified task, or the Resource Manager has not recieved the request
ERROR 5728: Specified too many widths (value) for the given number of columns (value)
ERROR 5740: 'string' is not a valid value for database option string
ERROR 5746: analyze_statistics: invalid number of buckets value. A number > 0 is required
ERROR 5750: Attempt to configure CPU affinity mode conflicts with configuration of resource pool 'string'
ERROR 5751: Attempt to configure CPU affinity set to 'string' conflicts with configuration of resource pool 'string'
ERROR 5752: Attempt to configure CPU affinity set to 'string' in exclusive mode would not leave any CPUs available for system queries
ERROR 5753: Attempt to configure CPU affinity to exclusive mode would not leave any CPUs available for system queries
ERROR 5762: Can only specify user defined file system for DATA and/or TEMP storage locations
ERROR 5768: Cannot do RETURNREJECTED and REJECTED DATA AS TABLE in the same query; rejected records can only be saved to one location
ERROR 5778: Cannot specify both a rejected file and a rejected table in the same statement
ERROR 5779: Cannot specify both an exceptions file and a rejected table in the same statement
ERROR 5793: Control set size out of bounds -1 <= value <= 128
ERROR 5804: CPU #value is not available to this server, because of server-level processor pinning
ERROR 5918: Improperly formatted broadcast address [string]
ERROR 5925: Interface IP address (family string) "string" is invalid
ERROR 5933: Invalid state for UDFilter: REJECT
ERROR 5934: Invalid state for UDSource: INPUT_NEEDED
ERROR 5935: Invalid state for UDSource: REJECT
ERROR 5954: memoryCap of string [value KB] would exceed [value KB]
ERROR 5962: Must request a positive key count to materialize: value
ERROR 5976: Object already exists: string. Can't create a rejections table with the same name
ERROR 6006: Request for value percent of value CPUs rounds to zero CPUs
ERROR 6007: Request for reservation of CPU #value conflicts with another pool's reservation
ERROR 6010: Resource pool 'string' not found
ERROR 6044: Table already exists: string. Can't create a rejections table with the same name
ERROR 6045: The CPU affinity mode cannot be SHARED or EXCLUSIVE if the affinity set is empty
ERROR 6073: Unable to allocate value CPUs for resource pool in string affinity mode
ERROR 6088: Unknown control mode string
ERROR 6090: Unknown database option 'string'
ERROR 6097: User-Defined Load function indicated that it consumed value bytes, when only value were available
ERROR 6123: A Resource Pool cannot cascade to itself
ERROR 6126: Access policy cannot be altered on unknown table "string"
ERROR 6127: Access policy cannot be copied from unknown object "string"
ERROR 6128: Access policy cannot be copied to unknown object "string"
ERROR 6129: Access policy cannot be created on temporary table "string"
ERROR 6130: Access policy cannot be created on unknown table "string"
ERROR 6131: Access policy cannot be created with empty expression
ERROR 6132: Access policy cannot be dropped on unknown object "string"
ERROR 6134: Access policy for COLUMN "string" already exists on "string"
ERROR 6135: Access policy for ROWS already exists on "string"
ERROR 6150: Can not alter access policy on table "string" for COLUMN "string": it doesn't exist
ERROR 6151: Can not alter access policy on table "string" for ROWS: it doesn't exist
ERROR 6152: Can not copy access policy from table "string" for COLUMN "string": it doesn't exist
ERROR 6153: Can not copy access policy from table "string" for ROWS: it doesn't exist
ERROR 6154: Can not drop access policy on table "string" for COLUMN "string": it doesn't exist
ERROR 6155: Can not drop access policy on table "string" for ROWS: it doesn't exist
ERROR 6159: Can't drop indexed column
ERROR 6160: Can't string between these two tables: Text indices don't line up
ERROR 6161: Can't specify a schema for LOCAL TEMP objects
ERROR 6167: Cannot directly modify a text-index table
ERROR 6170: Cannot index external table 'stringstringstring'
ERROR 6172: Cannot move data from a non retired storage location on node string
ERROR 6175: Cannot perform the specified administrative operation on a table with a text index
ERROR 6178: Cannot resolve node address [string] using address family string
ERROR 6179: Cannot resolve node address [string] using family string
ERROR 6180: Cannot resolve node control address [string] using address family string
ERROR 6181: Cannot resolve node control address [string] using family string
ERROR 6189: Client Authentication "string" is disabled
ERROR 6194: Column "string" doesnt exists in "string". Cannot create access policy
ERROR 6202: Correlation STRENGTH must be in the range [-1.0,1.0]
ERROR 6203: Could not access string "string": value
ERROR 6275: General pool priority must be between -100 and 100 inclusive
ERROR 6283: Illegal argument to get_config_parameter: NULL
ERROR 6288: Indexed table must have a projection that is segmented by HASH(string), sorted by string, and contains every column listed in the CREATE TEXT INDEX statement
ERROR 6289: Indexed table must have a projection that is segmented by HASH(string), sorted by string, and contains every column listed in the CREATE TEXT INDEX statement (no projections have been created yet)
ERROR 6295: Invalid declaration; 'tls' method requires HOST TLS
ERROR 6296: Invalid ip address and/or network mask - "string"
ERROR 6297: Invalid number of control nodes value
ERROR 6298: Invalid parameter - "string = string"
ERROR 6299: Invalid resource pool specified for cascade to
ERROR 6302: IP address family conflict: node address family is string, control address family is string
ERROR 6314: LDAP URL [string] seems to be malformedstring. Client Authentication "string" is disabled
ERROR 6329: Malformed message description
ERROR 6368: Only simple "expression" is allowed in access policy
ERROR 6383: Path "string" exists, but it is directory, not a file
ERROR 6384: Path "string" exists, but it is not a directory
ERROR 6387: Projection replace oid is empty or malformed
ERROR 6397: Sequences cannot be used in access policy
ERROR 6414: Subnet IP address (family string) "string" is invalid
ERROR 6421: Table name can not be empty
ERROR 6456: Unsupported authentication method - "string"
ERROR 6473: You cannot use both parameters 'string' and 'string'. Client Authentication 'string' is disabled
ERROR 6475: Can't swap partitions between these two tables: Text indices don't line up
ERROR 6492: No text index column named "string". Indexed text column in text index table must exist with name "string"
ERROR 6504: Bad expression for Access Policy
ERROR 6509: Cascade to cannot be used to make a resource pool loop
ERROR 6519: Bad expression for Access Policy - "string"
ERROR 6520: Can not copy access policy from table "string" for COLUMN "string": "string"
ERROR 6521: Can not copy access policy from table "string" for ROWS: "string"
ERROR 6545: NULL is invalid object name for analyze_external_row_count
ERROR 6546: NULL is invalid object name for drop_external_row_count)
ERROR 6566: Invalid constant hint:'string'
ERROR 6569: Invalid table hint identifier 'string'
ERROR 6609: string process has reserved resources. Release it first
ERROR 6619: /*+syntactic_join*/ hint omitted, ignoring join hints
ERROR 6641: Argument of nth_value must be greater than zero
ERROR 6661: Can not expire password on LDAP user account
ERROR 6663: Can not modify password on LDAP user account
ERROR 6664: Can not modify profile on LDAP user account
ERROR 6666: Can not set Security Algorithm on LDAP user account
ERROR 6689: Cannot store TEMP data on HDFS storage locations
ERROR 6802: Hint _oidref is empty or malformed
ERROR 6803: Ident authentication not allowed for remote connection types
ERROR 6824: Invalid explain hint identifier 'string'
ERROR 6825: Invalid join hint identifier 'string'
ERROR 6835: Invalid with hint identifier 'string'
ERROR 6934: Resource Allocation for this process not found
ERROR 6944: Schema "string" is already set to string privileges
ERROR 6979: Table string does not contain a key constraint 'string'
ERROR 6980: Table string is already set to inherit privileges
ERROR 6981: Table string is already set to not inherit privileges
ERROR 7042: Unknown node
ERROR 7060: User string could not be found in the update list
ERROR 7061: User-Defined Load function indicated that it consumed value bytes from the record lengths buffer, when only value were available
ERROR 7069: View "string" is already set string inherit privileges
ERROR 7083: /*+syntactic_join*/ hint omitted, ignoring union hints
ERROR 7102: Invalid union hint identifier 'string'
ERROR 7104: Length of string type function argument cannot exceed value [string]
ERROR 7108: Parameter 'string' cannot be NULL
ERROR 7140: DataBuffer indicated that it read value bytes, while LengthBuffer indicated that value data bytes were read
ERROR 7141: DataBuffer indicated that it wrote value bytes, while LengthBuffer indicated that value data bytes were written
ERROR 7145: Invalid end-of-file state for string: INPUT_NEEDED
ERROR 7146: Invalid state for UDParser: OUTPUT_NEEDED
ERROR 7154: UDChunker indicated that it consumed bytes, but returned INPUT_NEEDED
ERROR 7156: Access policy cannot be created on system table "string"
ERROR 7159: Backup type is invalid
ERROR 7160: Cannot expand glob pattern due to error: string
ERROR 7162: Cannot load data due to error: string
ERROR 7168: Column Access Policies on flex tables may not be completely secure
ERROR 7174: Cyclic access policy detected for relation: string
ERROR 7179: ERROR TOLERANCE is not supported for string loads
ERROR 7180: ERROR TOLERANCE is not supported for ORC files
ERROR 7184: Illegal argument to create_storage_containers: NULL
ERROR 7185: Illegal argument: Please enter positive number for creating ROS containers
ERROR 7189: Occurrence parameter must be non-negative
ERROR 7194: Restore type is invalid
ERROR 7209: View string is already owned by string
ERROR 7225: Backup epoch [value] must be earlier than the current epoch [value]
ERROR 7240: Constraint 'string' on table string is not a primary or unique key, nor a check constraint
ERROR 7254: ERROR TOLERANCE is not supported for Parquet files
ERROR 7269: Invalid portion: string [value]
ERROR 7271: Negative queueTimeout is not allowed
ERROR 7304: Cannot load data from [string]: all specified nodes are down
ERROR 7306: Cannot specify exceptions or rejected-data files on multiple nodes
ERROR 7312: Column string does not exist in Table string
ERROR 7313: Column string in Table string does not have SET USING expression
ERROR 7321: Invalid action string specified
ERROR 7322: Invalid pool name string specified
ERROR 7334: Size value out of range
ERROR 7335: Table string does not have any column with a SET USING expression
ERROR 7387: Cannot remove session's idle timeout
ERROR 7417: Error in blob creation: nChunks must be greater than 0
ERROR 7432: Invalid action URI 'string': adapter not supported
ERROR 7434: Invalid cursor request source: value
ERROR 7436: Invalid number of arguments
ERROR 7451: Maxconnections cannot be greater than total number of allowable connections
ERROR 7452: Maxconnections cannot be set for a superuser
ERROR 7453: Maximum message size for notifier cannot be less than value
ERROR 7454: Maximum message size for notifier cannot be more than value
ERROR 7456: Memory size cannot be zero
ERROR 7459: Message cannot be empty
ERROR 7465: Must set mode in which connection limit is applicable
ERROR 7467: Negative idlesessiontimeout is not allowed
ERROR 7468: New idlesessiontimeout string would exceed database wide limit of string
ERROR 7469: New idlesessiontimeout string would exceed user limit of string
ERROR 7472: No channel is set
ERROR 7473: No notifier is set
ERROR 7476: Notifier "string" does not exist
ERROR 7481: Notifier memory size (value) cannot be less than the maximum message size (value)
ERROR 7482: Notifier memory size (value) should be less than 2TB
ERROR 7491: Object name cannot be null
ERROR 7536: Sample Count should be between 0 and 100
ERROR 7541: Skipnode hint needs node name
ERROR 7542: Skipnode hint omitted in sub-query
ERROR 7552: Temporary data cursor request requires type information
ERROR 7564: There is no node with such name: [string]
ERROR 7578: UDSource requested 0 threads on node [string] which is targeted for execution
ERROR 7584: Using 1 year as idlesessiontimeout
ERROR 7587: Valid value for outlierThreshould is a positive float number
ERROR 7588: Valid value for sampling_ratio is a positive float number between 0 and 1
ERROR 7615: Requested too many nodes
ERROR 7624: When an empty map of nodes is supplied, expect nNodes > 0
ERROR 7674: Idlesessiontimeout cannot be less than 15 minutes for superuser. Using 15 minutes as idlesessiontimeout
ERROR 7707: Chunk index value out of range 0-value
ERROR 7714: Error in blob creation: maxSize cannot be negative
ERROR 7715: Error in blob creation: minSize cannot be negative
ERROR 7716: Error in blob creation: minSize must be less than maxSize
ERROR 7727: Invalid notifier adapter configuration: string
ERROR 7741: Tried to read (value) past end of chunk (value)
ERROR 7742: Tried to read (at value) past end of chunk
ERROR 7749: Unknown notifier adapter
ERROR 7770: miniBatch must be a positive integer
ERROR 7771: No resource grant exists with this id
ERROR 7799: Connection address family 'string' is invalid; expected one of: 'ipv4','ipv6'
ERROR 7800: Connection address family 'string' is not valid for host IP address 'string'
ERROR 7868: Must specify shared storage for built-in shared file system
ERROR 7871: Projection "string" refers to column "string" referenced in the added column's default expression
ERROR 7877: Target table "string" is not anchor table for Projection "string"
ERROR 7899: Model string is already owned by string
ERROR 7910: Invalid column string definition for column string
ERROR 7911: Snapshot type is invalid
ERROR 7918: Invalid load stack: string
ERROR 7919: Invalid state for UDChunker::string(): string
ERROR 7924: UDChunker aligned a 0-byte chunk; chunks must be non-empty
ERROR 7933: Invalid refresh columns mode "string". Specify either "update" or "rebuild"
ERROR 7993: No table specified
ERROR 8065: Cannot load data from node string as it is not in the elastic throughput group selected for this session
ERROR 8068: Cannot remove session's grace period
ERROR 8073: Column string must be qualified as multiple tables are specified
ERROR 8087: Error in blob creation: name cannot be empty
ERROR 8097: Invalid path string for file system string
ERROR 8098: Invalid projection name 'string' while parsing an optimizer directive
ERROR 8104: LIMIT can't be specified for non depot locations
ERROR 8110: Minimum value for string is string
ERROR 8160: Size cannot be an empty string
ERROR 8167: Table string does not exist for specified column string
ERROR 8168: Table string does not have any column in the specified column list
ERROR 8169: Table string for column string is not specified in the table list
ERROR 8175: The new period string would exceed the string limit of string
ERROR 8187: Using string (maximum) as string
ERROR 8190: 'directory' parameter cannot be empty
ERROR 8191: 'directory' parameter must be specified
ERROR 8192: Compression 'string' is invalid
ERROR 8193: Directory [string] exists. Please remove it or specify another directory
ERROR 8196: Temporary directory [string] exists. Please retry the query
ERROR 8197: Unable to look up UDFS for File System [string]
ERROR 8198: Unable to verify if directory [string] exists due to 'string'
ERROR 8199: Unable to verify if temporary directory [string] exists due to 'string'
ERROR 8215: 'compression' value must be of string type
ERROR 8216: 'directory' value must be of string type
ERROR 8217: 'rowGroupSizeMB' value must be of Integer type
ERROR 8218: 'tempsuffix' value must be of string type
ERROR 8245: Cannot create subscription as PRIMARY
ERROR 8246: Cannot create subscription in string state
ERROR 8247: Cannot drop a subscription for DOWN node string
ERROR 8249: Cannot make a subscription for DOWN node string as PRIMARY
ERROR 8253: Catalog name must not be specified in object names: string
ERROR 8254: Invalid or empty object name: string
ERROR 8271: Please specify schema name when using *
ERROR 8285: Missing parameter: parentName. Please provide parentName parameter
ERROR 8286: Missing parameter: parentType. Please provide parentType parameter
ERROR 8294: Cannot identify the type of [string]
ERROR 8297: Invalid JSON string [string]
ERROR 8302: Parameter check failed: string
ERROR 8303: Parameter check warning: string
ERROR 8402: Cannot create subscription for "string" when node is in EXECUTE state
ERROR 8411: Hyper parameter [string] is empty
ERROR 8412: Hyper parameter [string] is invalid
ERROR 8415: Metric [string] is not supported for algorithm [string]
ERROR 8425: Regularization type [string] is not supported for given optimizer [string]. Use [string]
ERROR 8433: The "count" member of JSON object [string] must be a positive integer
ERROR 8434: The "first" and "step" members of JSON object [string] must be numbers
ERROR 8452: Invalid file path: string
ERROR 8476: Usage:
Requires a Service Type followed by the Service Name as found by calling list_services
Supported Service Types: 'TM'
select disable_service('TM','TM Mergeout');
ERROR 8477: Usage:
Requires a Service Type followed by the Service Name as found by calling list_services
Supported Service Types: 'TM'
select enable_service('TM','TM Mergeout');
ERROR 8479: Usage:
Requires a Service Type to list services
Supported Service Types: 'TM', 'SYSTEM'
select list_services('TM');
ERROR 8488: Node string is not valid
ERROR 8502: Cannot drop subscription for replica shard
ERROR 8505: Catalog name must not be specified in wildcard: string
ERROR 8514: Intercept Mode [string] cannot be used when pre-centering the data. Use [string]
ERROR 8524: Patterns may not exclude a table [string] from an included schema [string]
ERROR 8530: string could not create directory for string 'string'
ERROR 8532: string input file and string can not be the same file [string]
ERROR 8533: string path for string ['string'] must be a directory for multiple sources
ERROR 8549: Schema string is session scoped
ERROR 8598: string does NOT encrypt network traffic. string encrypts network traffic. Please change the configuration to be consistent
ERROR 8599: string encrypts network traffic. string does NOT encrypt network traffic. Please change the configuration to be consistent
ERROR 8611: Invalid cipher type: value
ERROR 8612: Invalid crypto operation type: value
ERROR 8670: Invalid value value
ERROR 8686: id_column is necessary when seed is specified
ERROR 8688: "string" is not a valid filesystem name
ERROR 8706: 'string' value must be constant
ERROR 8709: Cannot parse metric. Expect only one JSON object but found more than one [string]
ERROR 8710: Cannot parse metric. Unexpectd JSON object [string]
ERROR 8711: Cannot parse metric. Unexpected JSON array [string]
ERROR 8712: Class label [string] used in cv_metrics does not exist
ERROR 8717: MAXQUERYMEMORYSIZE can be set only for general and user-defined pools
ERROR 8718: MAXQUERYMEMORYSIZE cannot exceed the maximum size of the pool
ERROR 8719: MAXQUERYMEMORYSIZE of string [value KB] would exceed the system limit [value KB]
ERROR 8725: id_column must be a single column
ERROR 8726: Invalid metric: string
ERROR 8727: Unexpected arguments [string] for metric [string]
ERROR 8728: Unsupported averaging method [string]. Expected one of: micro, macro and weighted
ERROR 8740: Unsupported parameter value. Please use 'true' or 'false'
ERROR 8764: 'fileSizeMB' value must be of Integer type
ERROR 8796: fileSizeMB 'value' is invalid. Must be 0 (no limit) or a positive Integer value
ERROR 8797: Invalid node name
ERROR 8799: Invalid shard name: string
ERROR 8807: Usage of [string] cannot be changed
ERROR 8815: 'string' value must be of string type
ERROR 8821: string 'string' is invalid. dirMode requires user's read, write, and execute permissions (rwx------)
ERROR 8822: string 'string' is invalid. Must be a positive octal value up to 1777 or a permission string of type rwxrwxrwx
ERROR 8838: Cannot set MAXCONCURRENCY of string pool to 0
ERROR 8839: Cannot set parameter string on built-in pool "string"
ERROR 8851: Incorrect CIDR format. Details: [string]
ERROR 8853: Load balance policy type 'string' does not exist. Please supply a valid load balance policy name, such as 'ROUNDROBIN'
ERROR 8865: Routes must be unique. Specified route string is equivalent to route string in rule 'string'
ERROR 8889: Refresh_columns on partitions is only supported for "rebuild" mode
ERROR 8902: Invalid argument(s): value, value, value
ERROR 8904: string: Can not analyze statistics of a virtual table/projection string
ERROR 8910: Empty partition key is invalid for string
ERROR 8915: Invalid accuracy value for string
ERROR 8916: No remote storage location found for temp usage
ERROR 8917: NULL is invalid accuracy value for string
ERROR 8918: NULL is invalid column name for string
ERROR 8919: NULL is invalid object name for string
ERROR 8920: NULL is invalid partition key for string
ERROR 8921: NULL is invalid statistics type for string
ERROR 8924: RemoteStorageForTemp is set to 1, but cannot find any remote storage locations for temp usage
ERROR 8928: Usage type not supported. Only COMMUNAL, USER and TEMP locations are supported
ERROR 8930: Alter load balance group sub-command not recognized
ERROR 8931: Cannot add objects of type string to a Load Balance Group of type string
ERROR 8934: Cannot drop objects of type string from a Load Balance Group of type string
ERROR 8940: Could not decode catalog object type for statement type value
ERROR 8954: HybridStream must be initialized with at least a buffer or a file path
ERROR 8960: Invalid catalog object type value (string) for any kind of Load Balance Group
ERROR 9005: The filter clause cannot be empty when adding 'string' objects to Load Balance Group 'string' of type 'string' because that group does not already have a filter
ERROR 9006: Unknown spread option: string
ERROR 9007: 'pageSizeKB' value must be of Integer type
ERROR 9008: 'rowBatchSize' value must be of Integer type
ERROR 9012: PageSizeKB 'value' is invalid. Must be a positive Integer value
ERROR 9013: RowBatchSize 'value' is invalid. Must be a positive Integer value
ERROR 9014: RowgroupSizeMB 'value' is invalid. Must be a positive Integer value
ERROR 9070: Too many threads specified for the index tool; value specified; value maximum
ERROR 9100: Cannot make a subscription for SECONDARY node string as PRIMARY
ERROR 9109: FAULTGROUP is not supported in EON mode
ERROR 9110: Invalid parameter: node_name
ERROR 9111: Invalid parameter: shard_name
ERROR 9113: Missing parameter: node_name
ERROR 9184: Invalid value for option TokenTimeout. Timeout must be integer from value to value msec or 0 (auto)
ERROR 9220: Cannot create array of size value
ERROR 9225: Negative array index
ERROR 9234: Type is not an array type
ERROR 9275: More than one parquet file was found in [string], please specify only one parquet file
ERROR 9282: Seed cannot be 1, since a val of 1 resets srand()
ERROR 9303: 'string' is an unsupported object type for privileges
ERROR 9307: Name cannot be NULL
ERROR 9313: Type cannot be NULL
ERROR 9327: string_to_array: delimiter cannot be empty
ERROR 9328: string_to_array: NULL delimiter not supported
ERROR 9329: string_to_array: parse error
ERROR 9353: string can not be greater than PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH value
ERROR 9354: PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH must be within the range from value to value
ERROR 9413: Depot policy for object string does not exist
ERROR 9414: Depot policy for object string does not exist for subcluster string
ERROR 9417: Partition level policies for object string already exists on string. Drop them before creating table level policies
ERROR 9420: Table level policy for object string already exists on string. Drop them before creating partition level policies
ERROR 9422: The specified model name can not have more than 3 components: database.schema.model
ERROR 9424: Usage:
Requires a Service Type followed by the Service Name as found by calling list_services
Supported Service Types: 'TM', 'SYSTEM'
select hurry_service('TM','PartitionTables');
ERROR 9454: Invalid VerticaTypeForComplexType [string] specified
ERROR 9491: string: Invalid stats type 'string'. Valid values are 'BASE', 'HISTOGRAMS' and 'ALL'
ERROR 9509: Invalid parameters
The Vertica User Community contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.