Error Messages Associated with SQLSTATE 08006
This topic lists the errors associated with the SQLSTATE 08006.
SQLSTATE 08006 Description
Error messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2323: Cancel() -- send() failed: string
ERROR 2606: Client failed when looking for pending signals
ERROR 4539: Received no response from stringstring
ERROR 8466: Received no response from (string), operation (string)
ERROR 8503: Cannot get a reply from node: string
ERROR 8944: Could not establish TLS connection. Please check the Vertica log for more details
ERROR 8979: Remote Vertica cluster did not connect over TLS but TLS is required for Import/Export on this cluster because ImportExportTLSMode is set to string
The Vertica User Community contains knowledge base articles, blogs, and forum posts that may help you resolve these errors.