Error Messages Associated with SQLSTATE 08001
This topic lists the errors associated with the SQLSTATE 08001.
SQLSTATE 08001 Description
Error messages associated with this SQLState
ERROR 2322: Cancel() -- connect() failed:
ERROR 2324: Cancel() -- socket() failed:
ERROR 2823: Could not connect to server [string]: string
Is the server running and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port string?
ERROR 2824: Could not connect to server: string
Is the server running on host [string] and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port string?
ERROR 2839: Could not create socket: string
ERROR 2865: Could not get client address from socket: string
ERROR 2869: Could not get socket error status: string
ERROR 2912: Could not set socket to close-on-exec mode: string
ERROR 2913: Could not set socket to non-blocking mode: string
ERROR 2914: Could not set socket to TCP no delay mode: string
ERROR 7801: Could not translate host name "string" to address using family "string": string
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