Warning Messages Associated with SQLSTATE 01000

This topic lists the warnings associated with the SQLSTATE 01000.

SQLSTATE 01000 Description


Warning messages associated with this SQLState

WARNING 2362: Cannot begin transaction; transaction is already running
WARNING 3084: Design couldn't be dropped
WARNING 3152: Duplicate values in columns marked as UNIQUE will now be ignored for the remainder of your session or until reenable_duplicate_key_error() is called
WARNING 3372: Failed to disable profiling: string
WARNING 3373: Failed to enable profiling: string
WARNING 3539: Incorrect results are possible. Please contact Vertica Support if unsure
WARNING 3791: Invalid view string: string
WARNING 4071: NO COMMIT option will be ignored for external table "string"
WARNING 4088: No new valid default roles specified. Retaining previous set of default roles for user string
WARNING 4098: No projections found
WARNING 4102: No rows are inserted into table "string"."string" because ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS is the default for create temporary table
WARNING 4116: No super projections created for table string. 
WARNING 4246: Only GLOBAL scope is supported for clearing string profiles
WARNING 4463: Projection string is not up to date
WARNING 4468: Projection <string> is not available for query processing. Execute the select start_refresh() function to copy data into this projection.
     The projection must have a sufficient number of buddy projections and all nodes must be up before starting a refresh
WARNING 4792: Storage option "string" will be ignored for external table "string"
WARNING 4871: System view string for tuning rule string is currently invalid
WARNING 4873: System view for tuning rule string does not exist
WARNING 4996: This request may deadlock the system.  Please report the details to technical support
WARNING 5068: Total declared length of columns of one of the constraints exceeds the limit, truncation may happen
WARNING 5119: UDx code didn't respond when Vertica tried to get function prototype for string in library string: string
WARNING 5448: View string is currently invalid
WARNING 5451: Violations of some of foreign key constraints may not be reported because of no privilege on the foreign tables
WARNING 5642: Projection string is not persistent or not up to date; it will not be copied
WARNING 5717: No statistics has been exported. Either the DB is empty or you try to export an external table or you do not have access to the available objects
WARNING 5724: Segmentation clause contains a string - data loads may be slowed significantly
WARNING 5727: Sort clause contains a string - data loads may be slowed significantly
WARNING 5741: View string depends on other relations
WARNING 5819: Design could not be reset
WARNING 5821: Detected keys sharing the same case-insensitive key name
WARNING 5860: Due to the data isolation of temp tables with an on-commit-delete-rows policy, the compute_flextable_keys() and compute_flextable_keys_and_build_view() functions cannot access this table's data. The build_flextable_view() function can be used with a user-provided keys table to create a view, but involves a DDL commit which will delete the table's rows
WARNING 5873: Failed to add table string of hcatalog schema string to catalog: string
WARNING 5875: Failed to alter table string of hcatalog schema string to catalog: string
WARNING 5880: Failed to describe table string in hcatalog database string: string
WARNING 5881: Failed to describe table string in schema string: HCatalog database string does not exist
WARNING 5884: Failed to list hcatalog tables of hcatalog schema string: string
WARNING 5886: Failed to mirror table string in schema string: string
WARNING 5909: Found and ignored keys with names longer than the maximum column-name length limit
WARNING 5912: HASH() arguments contain expressions that reference table columns
WARNING 5917: Ignored some keys since the total key count exceeds the view column limit
WARNING 5922: Insufficient privileges to alter table string
WARNING 5923: Insufficient privileges to drop table string
WARNING 5991: Projection basename "string" hint was ignored. "string" is used as the basename
WARNING 5993: Projection is irregularly segmented by column
WARNING 6053: The view creation involved a DDL commit which deleted the table's rows
WARNING 6256: Error while analyzing constraint(s) string on string
WARNING 6257: Error while creating LTT for analyzing constraints on string
WARNING 6356: No partitions have been swapped. Neither table has partitions fall in range
WARNING 6417: Swapped partitions are not immediately moved to a new storage location
WARNING 6515: Projection with name "string" already exists in schema "string" for anchor table "string.string"
WARNING 6565: Inequal query trees produced the same hash code query1:
WARNING 6594: Unknown RangeTblEntry:value
WARNING 6608: string is an invalid argument for hint string
WARNING 6765: Error parsing distrib value string in Distrib hint's arguments. The whole hint will be ignored
WARNING 6773: Failed to compare plans for query 'string'
WARNING 6797: Hint string can accept at most one argument, the hint with value arguments is ignored
WARNING 6798: Hint string can be specified only once for each join, if multiple instances listed only the first is considered
WARNING 6799: Hint string is not feasible and will be ignored
WARNING 6801: Hint string requires exactly two arguments, the hint with value arguments is ignored
WARNING 6813: Inherited privileges are globally disabled; schema parameter is set but has no effect
WARNING 6814: Inherited privileges are globally disabled; table parameter is set but has no effect
WARNING 6815: Inherited privileges are globally disabled; view parameter is set but has no effect
WARNING 6818: Input operations specified for Hint string is not feasible and will be ignored
WARNING 6922: Projection name was changed to string because it conflicts with the basename of the table string
WARNING 6990: Text index has invalid tokenizer
WARNING 6991: The active saved plan for this query has incompatible output column set. Continuing with the original query
WARNING 7000: The projection 'string' was used to enforce the enabled key constraint 'string', and may be regenerated to validate a DML statement on the base table
WARNING 7020: Unable to find the following query in the export file: 'string'
WARNING 7030: Unexpected group clause found during query comparison
WARNING 7031: Unexpected group clause found during query hashing
WARNING 7033: Unexpected sort clause found during query comparison
WARNING 7036: Unknown Expr:value during query comparison
WARNING 7037: Unknown Expr:value found
WARNING 7038: Unknown Expr:value found during query hashing
WARNING 7039: Unknown Inequality OpOid:value found during query hashing
WARNING 7040: Unknown Logic OpExpr:value found during query comparison
WARNING 7041: Unknown Logic OpExpr:value found during query hashing
WARNING 7044: Unknown OpExpr:value found during query comparison
WARNING 7045: Unknown OpExpr:value found during query hashing
WARNING 7046: Unknown RangeTblEntry:value found during query comparison
WARNING 7047: Unknown RangeTblEntry:value found during query hashing
WARNING 7048: Unknown Sublink:value found during query comparison
WARNING 7049: Unknown Sublink:value found during query hashing
WARNING 7052: Unsupported JoinExpr Type found during query comparison
WARNING 7053: Unsupported JoinExpr Type found during query hashing
WARNING 7070: View "string" will include privileges from schema "string"
WARNING 7074: You appear to be using an old version of HDFS that may have stability problems under high load. See the Vertica documentation for supported HDFS versions
WARNING 7186: Inherited privileges are globally disabled. Privileges will be materialized and visibility of table string may change
WARNING 7265: Inherited privileges are globally disabled. Privileges will be materialized and visibility of view string may change
WARNING 7709: Could not drop table 'string'. Please remove manually if necessary.
    Detail: string
WARNING 7752: Cannot make a local query plan for "try local" hint, please check hash function, segment quantity, segment boundary, etc
WARNING 7793: The cache will be set to 1 instead
WARNING 7942: Unknown expression found during hashing: value
WARNING 7994: Not converged before max_iterations [value]
WARNING 8012: The parameter [string] is not defined for this function
WARNING 8086: Encoding option specified for attribute (string) of external table (string) will be ignored
WARNING 8275: The following shards missed the string due to missing primary subscriber (probably down): string
WARNING 8343: Not converged before max_iterations value
WARNING 8413: Lambda provided without regularization type: default for regularization is [string]; lambda will have no effect
WARNING 8414: max_depth is set to value while max_breadth to value. This means the size of trees may become limited by string first
WARNING 8419: Parameters [string] are not supported for optimizer [string], only for [string]
WARNING 8506: CGD optimizer could not invert covariance matrix which is required for calculating statistics. Coefficients are not affected
WARNING 8526: Regularization type [string] may cause optimizer [string] to not converge
WARNING 8531: string Directory for errors files was not created.
     Unable to write errors for this instance of COPY command
WARNING 8547: Not converged before maximum inner iterations value
WARNING 8557: Feature string not applicable in Eon mode
WARNING 8580: Failed to convert internal form to readable form: string
WARNING 8581: Failed to convert to internal form: string
WARNING 8582: Failed to describe hcatalog tables of hcatalog schema string: string
WARNING 8583: Given lambda value [value] will result in all zero coefficients; use a value lower than lambda max for this dataset [value]
WARNING 8602: Caught exception while parsing JSON
WARNING 8621: The following string provided is not valid JSON: string
WARNING 8704: This table is not partitioned. Ignore activePartitionCount changes
WARNING 8737: The meta function set_recover_by_table is disabled in 9.1SP1. set_recover_test_settings() is supposed to be used only for testing purpose by developers
WARNING 8818: Library and dependencies have a combined size of value GB,
WARNING 8841: Consider enabling MergeOutCache when reflexive mergeout is disabled. Otherwise background TM Mergeout service may affect the query performance
WARNING 8953: Hint ECSMode is not feasible and will be ignored
WARNING 9002: Setting the token timeout greater than value msec may severely decrease cluster responsiveness to node shutdowns and failures
WARNING 9011: MergeOutCache doesn't work when reflexive mergeout is enabled
WARNING 9127: UPDATE/DELETE a table with aggregate projections (LAPs) will automatically run refresh on the LAPs when this transaction commits
WARNING 9210: Target node string is down, so depot size has been estimated from depot location on initiator. As soon as the node comes up, its depot size might be altered depending on its disk size
WARNING 9337: Caught exception while connecting to LDAP: string

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