Supported and Unsupported PMML Features and Attributes

Using External Models With Vertica gives an overview of the features Vertica supports for working with external models. This topic provides additional details on limitations in how Vertica supports working with PMML models.

With PMML models, Vertica currently supports only:

  • PMML models that do not contain a data preprocessing step.
  • PMML models that encode only these model types: kmeans, linear regression, logistic regression.

Supported and Unsupported PMML Attributes

The following table details the PMML attributes that Vertica currently does and does not support:

XML-tag name ignored attributes supported attributes unsupported attributes ignored sub-tags supported sub-tags unsupported sub-tags
Cluster size id,name, - KohonenMap, Covariances NUM-ARRAY Extension, Partition
ClusteringField - field(required), isCenterField(true is the only supported value), compareFunction fieldWeight, similarityScale - - Extension, Comparisons
ClusteringModel modelName functionName(required- clustering is only valid value), algorithmName, modelClass(required- only centerBased is supported), numberOfClusters(required), isScorable (true is the only supported value) - ModelVerification MiningSchema, ComparisonMeasure, ClusteringField, Cluster Extension, Output, ModelStats,ModelExplanation, LocalTransformations, MissingValueWeights, ModelVerification
ComparisonMeasure minimum, maximum kind(required- only distance is supported), compareFunction - - euclidean, squaredEuclidean Extension, chebychev, cityBlock, minkowski, simpleMatching, jaccard, tanimoto, binarySimilarity
DataDictionary - numberOfFields - - DataField Extension, Taxonomy
DataField displayName name(required), optype(required), dataType(required) taxonomy, isCyclic - - Extension, Interval, Value
Header copyright, description, modelVersion - - Extension, Application, Annotation, Timestamp   -
MiningField importance, missingValueTreatment name(required), usageType, optype, outliers, lowValue, highValue, missingValueReplacement, invalidValueTreatment - - Extension
MiningSchema - - - - MiningField Extension
NumericPredictor - name(required), exponent, coefficient(required) - - - Extension
PMML - version(required), xmlns - MiningBuildTask Header, DataDictionary, ClusteringModel, RegressionModel TransformationDictionary, Extension, any unsupported model type
RegressionModel modelName, targetFieldName, modelType

functionName(required - can be regression or classification),

algorithmName, normalizationMethod, isScorable (true is the only supported value)

- ModelVerification MiningSchema, RegressionTable Extension, Output, ModelStats, ModelExplanation, LocalTransformations, Targets, ModelVerification
RegressionTable - intercept(required), targetCategory - - NumericPredictor Extension, CategoricalPredictor, PredictorTerm