Requirements for Eon Mode Databases

Eon Mode databases perform the same backup and restore operations as Enterprise Mode databases. There are additional requirements for Eon Mode because it uses a different architecture.

These requirements are for cloud storage locations listed in "Supported Cloud Storage" in Backing Up and Restoring the Database. If your database uses HDFS, see Backing Up HDFS Storage Locations .

Configuration Files

You must back up Eon Mode databases to a supported cloud storage location. Vertica requires that you set the following values in your vbr configuration file:

  • cloud_storage_backup_path
  • cloud_storage_backup_file_system_path

A backup path is valid for one database only. You cannot use the same path to store backups for multiple databases. For more about these configuration parameters, see [CloudStorage].

Eon Mode databases that use S3-compatible on-premises cloud storage can back up Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3.

Configuration for Databases Running in the Cloud

In addition to having access to the cloud storage bucket used for the database's communal storage, you must have access to the cloud storage backup location. Verify that the credential you use for access to communal storage also has access to the backup location. For more information about configuring cloud storage access for Vertica, see Configuring Backups to and from Cloud Storage.

For AWS, note that while your backup location may be in a different region, backup and restore operations across different S3 regions are incompatible with Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoints.

Configuration for Databases Running On-Premises Using S3

If your database runs on-premises, then your communal storage is not on AWS but on another storage platform that uses the S3 protocol. This means there can be two endpoints and two sets of credentials, depending on where you back up. This additional information is stored in environment variables, not parameters in the configuration file.  See Configuring Backups to and from Cloud Storage for more information.

Backups of Eon Mode on-premises databases do not support AWS IAM profiles.

Eon Mode on-premises databases support the following vbr tasks: backup, restore, listbackup, replicate, quick-check, full-check, quick-repair, collect-garbage, and remove.

Database Configuration

When restoring a backup of an Eon Mode database, the restore database must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Share the same name as the backup database.
  • Have the same number of nodes as the backup database.
  • Have the same node names as the nodes of the backup database.
  • Use the same catalog directory location as the backup database.
  • Use the same port numbers as the backup database.
  • For object restore, have the same shard subscriptions. If the shard subscriptions have changed, you cannot do object restores but can do a full restore. Shard subscriptions can change when you add or remove nodes or rebalance your cluster.