Qualifies an EXPLAIN
statement to request a query plan that assumes all nodes are active. If you omit this hint, the EXPLAIN
statement produces a query plan that takes into account any nodes that are currently down.
In the following example, the ALLNODES
hint requests a query plan that assumes all nodes are active.
QUERY PLAN DESCRIPTION: ------------------------------ Opt Vertica Options -------------------- PLAN_ALL_NODES_ACTIVE EXPLAIN /*+ALLNODES*/ select * from Emp_Dimension; Access Path: +-STORAGE ACCESS for Emp_Dimension [Cost: 125, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1) | Projection: public.Emp_Dimension_b0 | Materialize: Emp_Dimension.Employee_key, Emp_Dimension.Employee_gender, Emp_Dimension.Courtesy_title, Emp_Dimension.Employee_first_name, Emp_Dimension.Employee_middle_initial, Emp_Dimension.Employee_last_name, Emp_Dimension.Employee_age, Emp_Dimension.Employee_birthdate, Emp_Dimension.Employee_street, Emp_Dimension.Employee_city, Emp_Dimension.Employee_state, Emp_Dimension.Employee_region, Emp_Dimension.Employee_position | Execute on: All Nodes