This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Instead, use EXTERNAL_CONFIG_CHECK.

Tests the Kerberos configuration of a Vertica cluster that uses HDFS. The function succeeds if it can use both the Vertica keytab file and the session user to access HDFS, and reports errors otherwise. This function is a more specific version of KERBEROS_CONFIG_CHECK.

If the current session is not Kerberized, this function will not be able to use secured HDFS connections and will fail.

You can call this function with arguments to specify an HDFS configuration to test, or without arguments. If you call it with no arguments, this function reads the HDFS configuration files and fails if it does not find them.  See Configuring the hdfs Scheme. If it finds configuration files, it tests all configured nameservices.

The function performs the following tests, in order:

  • Are Kerberos services available?
  • Does a keytab file exist and are the Kerberos and HDFS configuration parameters set in the database?
  • Can Vertica read and invoke kinit with the keys to authenticate to HDFS and obtain the database Kerberos ticket?
  • Can Vertica perform hdfs and webhdfs operations using both the database Kerberos ticket and user-forwardable tickets for the current session?
  • Can Vertica connect to HiveServer2? (This function does not support WebHCat.)

If any test fails, the function returns a descriptive error message.


KERBEROS_HDFS_CONFIG_CHECK( ['hdfsHost:hdfsPort', 
  'webhdfsHost:webhdfsPort', 'webhcatHost' ] )


hdfsHost, hdfsPort

The hostname or IP address and port of the HDFS NameNode. Vertica uses this server to access data that is specified with hdfs URLs. If the value is ' ', the function skips this part of the check.

webhdfsHost, webhdfsPort

The hostname or IP address and port of the WebHDFS server. Vertica uses this server to access data that is specified with webhdfs URLs. If the value is ' ', the function skips this part of the check.

webhcatHost Pass any value in this position. WebHCat is deprecated and this value is ignored but must be present.


This function does not require privileges.