Managing MC Users, Roles and Privileges
If you are an administrator, you can use MC Settings to grant MC users privileges to one or more Vertica users. MC users are not the same as system (Linux) users. MC users are external to the database, and their information is stored on an internal database on the MC application or web server. See About MC Users for further details.
You can create MC users using either of two authentication techniques, LDAP or MC (internal). See Creating an MC User. After you create the MC users, you can manage them from MC Settings page. Refer to Managing MC Users.
To control the level of access for the MC Users, you can grant them privileges (through roles) from the MC Settings page. MC supports two groups of privileges:
The MC super account is the default user. The super user needs to create all other MC users. Refer to About MC Privileges and Roles for further information on MC roles.
For further details about MC Users, Privileges and Roles, see Managing Users And Privileges.