
This table describes user-created load specs. You change the entries in this table using the vkconfig utility's load spec tool.

Column Data Type Description
id INTEGER The identification number assigned to the cluster.
load_spec VARCHAR The name of the load spec.
filters VARCHAR A comma-separated list of UDFilters for the scheduler to include in the COPY statement it uses to load data from Kafka.
parser VARCHAR A VerticaUDParser to use with a specified target. If you are using a Vertica native parser, parser parameters serve as a COPY statement parameters.
parser_parameters VARCHAR A list of parameters to provide to the parser.



The COPY load method to use for all loads with this scheduler.

In Vertica 10.0, load methods are no longer used due to the removal of the WOS. The value shown in this column has no effect.

message_max_bytes INTEGER The maximum size, in bytes, of a message.
uds_kv_parameters VARCHAR A list of parameters that are supplied to the KafkaSource statement. If the value in this column is in the format key=value, the scheduler it to the COPY statement's KafkaSource call.


This example shows the load specs that you can use with a Vertica instance.

SELECT * FROM stream_config.stream_load_specs;				
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+------------
id                | 1
load_spec         | loadspec2
filters           |
parser            | KafkaParser
parser_parameters |
load_method       | direct
message_max_bytes | 1048576
uds_kv_parameters |
-[ RECORD 2 ]-----+------------
id                | 750001
load_spec         | streamspec1
filters           |
parser            | KafkaParser
parser_parameters |
load_method       | TRICKLE
message_max_bytes | 1048576
uds_kv_parameters |