Querying Resource Pool Data

You can use the following to find information about resource pools:

You can also use the Management Console to obtain run-time data on resource pool usage.

The Linux top command returns data on overall CPU usage and I/O wait time across the system. Because of file system caching, the resident memory size returned by top is not the best indicator of actual memory use or available reserves.

Querying Resource Pool Settings

The following example queries various settings of two internal resource pools, GENERAL and TM:

=> SELECT name, subcluster_oid, subcluster_name, maxmemorysize, memorysize, runtimepriority, runtimeprioritythreshold, queuetimeout
   FROM RESOURCE_POOLS WHERE name IN('general', 'tm');
  name   | subcluster_oid | subcluster_name | maxmemorysize | memorysize | runtimepriority | runtimeprioritythreshold | queuetimeout
 general |              0 |                 | Special: 95%  |            | MEDIUM          |                        2 | 00:05
 tm      |              0 |                 |               | 3G         | MEDIUM          |                       60 | 00:05
(2 rows)

Viewing Resource Pool Status

The following example queries RESOURCE_POOL_STATUS for memory size data:

=> SELECT pool_name poolName, 
    node_name nodeName, 
    max_query_memory_size_kb maxQueryMemSizeKb, 
    max_memory_size_kb maxMemSizeKb, 
    memory_size_actual_kb memSizeActualKb 
    FROM resource_pool_status WHERE pool_name='ceo_pool';
 poolName |     nodeName     | maxQueryMemSizeKb | maxMemSizeKb | memSizeActualKb
 ceo_pool | v_vmart_node0001 |          12179388 |     13532654 |         1843200
 ceo_pool | v_vmart_node0002 |          12191191 |     13545768 |         1843200
 ceo_pool | v_vmart_node0003 |          12191170 |     13545745 |         1843200
(3 rows)

Viewing Query Resource Acquisitions

The following example displays all resources granted to the queries that are currently running. The information shown is stored in system table RESOURCE_ACQUISITIONS table. You can see that the query execution used 708504 KB of memory from the GENERAL pool.

=> SELECT pool_name, thread_count, open_file_handle_count, memory_inuse_kb,
   queue_entry_timestamp, acquisition_timestamp 

-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+------------------------------
pool_name              | sysquery
thread_count           | 4
open_file_handle_count | 0
memory_inuse_kb        | 4103
queue_entry_timestamp  | 2013-12-05 07:07:08.815362-05
acquisition_timestamp  | 2013-12-05 07:07:08.815367-05
-[ RECORD 2 ]----------+------------------------------
-[ RECORD 8 ]----------+------------------------------
pool_name              | general
thread_count           | 12
open_file_handle_count | 18
memory_inuse_kb        | 708504
queue_entry_timestamp  | 2013-12-04 12:55:38.566614-05
acquisition_timestamp  | 2013-12-04 12:55:38.566623-05
-[ RECORD 9 ]----------+------------------------------

You can determine how long a query waits in the queue before it can run. To do so, you obtain the difference between acquisition_timestamp and queue_entry_timestamp using a query as this example shows:

=> SELECT pool_name, queue_entry_timestamp, acquisition_timestamp, 
    (acquisition_timestamp-queue_entry_timestamp) AS 'queue wait' 

-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+------------------------------
pool_name             | sysquery
queue_entry_timestamp | 2013-12-05 07:07:08.815362-05
acquisition_timestamp | 2013-12-05 07:07:08.815367-05
queue wait            | 00:00:00.000005
-[ RECORD 2 ]---------+------------------------------
pool_name             | sysquery
queue_entry_timestamp | 2013-12-05 07:07:14.714412-05
acquisition_timestamp | 2013-12-05 07:07:14.714417-05
queue wait            | 00:00:00.000005
-[ RECORD 3 ]---------+------------------------------
pool_name             | sysquery
queue_entry_timestamp | 2013-12-05 07:09:57.238521-05
acquisition_timestamp | 2013-12-05 07:09:57.281708-05
queue wait            | 00:00:00.043187
-[ RECORD 4 ]---------+------------------------------

Querying User-Defined Resource Pools

The Boolean column IS_INTERNAL in system tables RESOURCE_POOLS and RESOURCE_POOL_STATUS lets you get data on user-defined resource pools only. For example:

SELECT name, subcluster_oid, subcluster_name, memorysize, maxmemorysize, priority, maxconcurrency
dbadmin->     FROM V_CATALOG.RESOURCE_POOLS where is_internal ='f';
   name       |  subcluster_oid   | subcluster_name | memorysize | maxmemorysize | priority | maxconcurrency
 load_pool    | 72947297254957395 | default         | 0%         |               |       10 |
 ceo_pool     | 63570532589529860 | c_subcluster    | 250M       |               |       10 |  
 ad hoc_pool  |                 0 |                 | 200M       | 200M          |        0 | 
 billing_pool | 45579723408647896 | ar_subcluster   | 0%         |               |        0 |              3  
 web_pool     |                 0 | analytics_1     | 25M        |               |       10 |              5
 batch_pool   | 47479274633682648 | default         | 150M       | 150M          |        0 |             10 
 dept1_pool   |                 0 |                 | 0%         |               |        5 |               
 dept2_pool   |                 0 |                 | 0%         |               |        8 |
 dashboard    | 45035996273843504 | analytics_1     | 0%         |               |        0 |
(9 rows)

Viewing Overrides to Global Resource Pools

In Eon Mode, you can query SUBCLUSTER_RESOURCE_POOL_OVERRIDES in the system tables to view any overrides to global resource pools for individual subclusters. The following query returns an override that sets MEMORYSIZE for the built-in resource pool TM to 0% in the analytics_1 subcluster.

     pool_oid      | name |  subcluster_oid   | subcluster_name | memorysize | maxmemorysize | maxquerymemorysize
 45035996273705058 | tm   | 45035996273843504 | analytics_1     | 0%         |               |
(1 row)